;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; EISA configuration for Gerber Mornington card ;;; ;;; in file !DHQ0401.CFG ;;; ;;; V1.00 created by phil @ harlequin on 5-Apr-94 ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Main board definitions BOARD ID="DHQ0401" NAME="Gerber Mornington Card" MFR="Harlequin" CATEGORY="OTH" SLOT=EISA LENGTH=330 AMPERAGE=2000 SKIRT=NO READID=YES IOCHECK=INVALID DISABLE=UNSUPPORTED COMMENTS="Interface card to allow ScriptWorks (tm) to drive a Gerber PlateSetter" VERSION=1.00 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; IO location definitions ;;; IOPORT(1) = 0zc84h INITVAL = 00000001B IOPORT(2) = 0zc10h INITVAL = 00000000B IOPORT(3) = 0zc0ch SIZE= WORD INITVAL = 000000000011xxxxB ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; There is only one functional group for this card. It contains ;;; options for the DMA channel and the IRQ line ;;; FUNCTION = "Mornington Configuration Options" SUBFUNCTION = "DMA channel selection" HELP = "This option selects the DMA channel which will be used to transfer bitmap data to the card. It cannot be shared with another device." COMMENTS = "DMA Channel" CHOICE = "6" LINK DMA = 6 SHARE = NO SIZE = DWORD TIMING = TYPEB INIT=IOPORT(3) LOC(3 2) 10B CHOICE = "3" LINK DMA = 3 SHARE = NO SIZE = DWORD TIMING = TYPEB INIT=IOPORT(3) LOC(3 2) 00B CHOICE = "7" LINK DMA = 7 SHARE = NO SIZE = DWORD TIMING = TYPEB INIT=IOPORT(3) LOC(3 2) 11B CHOICE = "5" LINK DMA = 5 SHARE = NO SIZE = DWORD TIMING = TYPEB INIT=IOPORT(3) LOC(3 2) 01B SUBFUNCTION = "Interrupt line selection" HELP = "This option selects the interrupt line which will be used to communicate between the PC and the card. It cannot be shared with another device." COMMENTS = "Interrupt line" CHOICE = "IRQ10" LINK IRQ = 10 SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(1 0) 00B CHOICE = "IRQ11" LINK IRQ = 11 SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(1 0) 01B CHOICE = "IRQ14" LINK IRQ = 14 SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(1 0) 10B CHOICE = "IRQ15" LINK IRQ = 15 SHARE = NO INIT = IOPORT(3) LOC(1 0) 11B ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; End of !DHQ0401.CFG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;