.SIMEARTH Make sure your mouse driver is loaded. If you get the message 'Packed file is corrupt', try LOADFIX SIMEARTH Before you can create a scenario, you must select 'New Planet'. When this is done, you will be asked an anti-piracy question. Here are the questions and answers. Question Venus Earth Mars -------------------------------------- Days in a year 224.7 365.26 687 Diameter 12100 12754 6796 Average temp 477 13 -53 Density 5.24 5.52 3.94 Gravity .9 1 .38 Mass 4.89 6.04 .642 Axial tilt 177.3 23.45 25.19 Volume .88 1 .15 Distance 108.2 149.6 227.9 Orbital velocity 35 29.8 24.1 ============================================================================ Some words you can type in while the game is in progress: (case sensitive) Word Effect --------------------------- smoo ? rand ? erad ? FUND free money joke watch the gaia window, you can poke her in the eye JOKE same as joke SMOOTH flattens terrain These two words are in the program but I don't know if they do anything: CITY CITYMCRP ============================================================================= Lastly, I'm told that it is possible to create a race of robots with the appropriate nuking ... treat it as a challenge ! P.S. Don't forget to read the README file.