.BASIC GAMES 747.BAS, 747.DOC, 747FLT.BAS BUTTERF.BAS, BUTT. CHECKERS.BAS, GAMECHEK.BAS DEMO.BAS runs CLOCK/CHARACT/COLORI/COLORII/BUTTERF/CIRLIN MENU.BAS runs CHECKERS/ELUSION/BATTLES/REVERSI INTRO.BAS runs MENU WIZARD.BAS, WIZARD.DOC TREK appears to be the same as TREK1 CHARGEN.BAS, CHARGEN.EXE BLOAD "UNPROBAS" to unprotect a program while in BASICA OTHELLO.BAS starts MENU KANGAROO.BAS difficult keys EAGLE GAMES COMPENDIUM (WARREWYK) ---------------------- Start: START.BAT (WARREWYK WILLIAMS) Quit: L (at menu) WARREWYK program is ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY BASIC ver 1.0 1983 Similar to BASICA or GWBASIC, but screen starts with 40 columns. Some files were found to be missing: fw.bat logo.com busone.003 References to 'sport' mean American football. Option A in menu 3 doesn't do anything. FILES FOR THIS GAME: 21.002 ANATOMY.001 INTRO.001 BIO.002 This was in another BOGGY.001 copy of the game CHECK.003 It is the unprotected CRAPS.001 version of INTRO.000 DOMINOES.002 DRAW.002 FOOTBALL.002 GOLF.002 HANGMAN.001 HINTS.001 HISTORY.001 INFO.003 INTRO.000 MASTER.001 MATCH.002 MAZE.001 MENU1.001 MENU2.002 MENU3.003 NEWE.003 OTHELLO.002 PEGLEAP.02 SEABAT.001 STATS.002 TICTAC.001 TOWERS.002 WILDCAT.002 AUTOEXEC.BAT START.BAT BASICA.COM NAME.FLE PICTURE.FLE TEMPORY.TMP WILLIAMS.BAS WARREWYK.EXE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FELONY ------ Start: FELONY.BAT Quit: Reset You are a detective trying to try to solve crimes. Need the clue book as everything is meaningless pictures. Technical: This game normally has to be run from A: drive but I've removed this requirement. DEBUG byte changed in BASICA.COM: 03E1: 17 -> 19 Look for BASIC.EXE instead of A:BASIC.EXE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STRIP POKER Artworx, 1985 ----------- Start: POKER.BAT (BASICA SPOKER); or POKER.EXE (compiled version) Quit: CAD, or press ^Break then SYSTEM; or Esc (compiled version) What I've been able to work out: Type in the name of the girl, press Space. From now, use Arrows to scan through choices, and Space to select. Use arrows to select from Drop, Stay, Bet, Raise, Call Choose Bet by pressing Space. Use Arrows to select amount, press Space. Choose Call by pressing Space. Use Arrows to move the little arrow symbol, press Space to throw out that card. When finished, press Arrows to push the arrow off the side, it says FINISHED, press Space. Look at the new cards. You can now enter Raise to up the bet. Keep doing this until you're happy or she gives up or you're out of dough. Choose Call or Stay to see who wins. Then it's time for the next hand. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------