.SPACE QUEST 5 You start in a hallway, and the 'man' icon (this means walk). Click on the hallway behind Roger. He will walk back and around. You will see 2 people standing near a door. Send Roger to this door, use the right mouse button to select the 'hand' icon, and click it on the door. It will open, and Roger will go in. You will be lectured for being late, then a test will appear. These answers will give you a pass. 1: A 2: E 3: E 4: A 5: E 6: A 7: A 8: A 9: A 10: A Then you need to clean the crest as instructed. Find the janitors room (off the main hallway), get what you need, then go to the hallway leading off. Go straight ahead onto the lift pad. This will place you onto the huge floor marking. This is what you have to clean. Thats all I know so far.