.BLAKE STONE v1.0 (shareware), v2.0 (registered), v3.0 (shareware and registered) Part 1: Star Institute Part 2: Floating Fortress Part 3: Underground Network Part 4: Star Port Part 5: Habitat II Part 6: Satellite Defense Blake Stone V2.0+ (Aliens of Gold and Planet Strike) ----------------- Registered version: Type in one at a time J A M The message "now you're Jammin'" appears. You get all access cards and 100% health, and the score is set to zero. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To activate debugging mode you must type a command line password when you run the program. The password is POWERBALL. [other program parameters are listed below] The startup command with debug mode enabled: bstone powerball When you see the Jam logo during startup, you must press and hold both left and right shift keys. Press and hold the left shift first, then the right shift. Pressing the keys at the right time can be tricky, there is a sound confirmation if successful, otherwise you'll have to try again from the start. The sound will will only be heard if you have a soundcard. You cannot enter your name into the high score list when cheating (see below!). ** Debugging keys (hold down BACKSPACE and press the indicated key): BACKSPACE, A -- Add players to AutoMap BACKSPACE, B -- Border color BACKSPACE, C -- Statistics BACKSPACE, D -- Invisibility BACKSPACE, E -- Display end game sequence (instant win) BACKSPACE, F -- Displays x and y coordinates and angle BACKSPACE, G -- God mode on/off (when ON you cannot be hurt), ammo lasts forever BACKSPACE, H -- Hurt yourself (minus 1% health) (only if not in God mode) BACKSPACE, I -- Free items BACKSPACE, M -- Displays memory usage BACKSPACE, O -- Show all hidden walls on automap BACKSPACE, P -- Pause BACKSPACE, Q -- Quit to DOS BACKSPACE, S -- Slow motion on/off BACKSPACE, T -- Displays walls, sprites, and sound waveforms. BACKSAPCE, U -- Unlock all floors BACKSPACE, V -- ??? "Add extra VBLs(0-8)". Not sure what this does. BACKSPACE, W -- Warp to any level Backspace-home Dec sky colour, if ceiling texture is off Backspace-pgup Inc sky colour, if ceiling texture is off Backspace-end Dec floor colour, if ground texture is off Backspace-pgdn Inc floor colour, if ground texture is off Backspace-home Dec ceiling texture pattern, if ceiling texture on Backspace-pgup Inc ceiling texture pattern, if ceiling texture on Backspace-end Dec floor texture pattern, if ground texture on Backspace-pgdn Inc floor texture pattern, if ground texture on Backspace-+ Add shading depth, if lighting is on Backspace-- Dec shading depth, if lighting is on Backspace-] Inc shading drop-off, if lighting is on Backspace-[ Dec shading drop-off, if lighting is on Backspace-tab Show automap containing all live actors ** Hold down these keys together: (do it a few times) 6 7 Collect all bonus items (gold, ammo, health, etc) 7 8 Kill all actors 6 8 Collect all bonus items and kill all actors Radar mode: The radar mode enables a real time level map at the lower left corner of the screen. Play is slow as sludge, but the mode is in there. Shows all the secret areas. Use the command line password RADAR. The startup command would be: bstone radar Or, stack it with the debug password: bstone powerball radar Normal Parameters: VERSION - Display version information. SYSTEM - Display system information. HIDDENCARD - Disable checking for video card. NOJOYS - Disable checking for joysticks. NOMOUSE - Disable checking for mouse. NOMAIN - Disable checking for main memory. NOEMS - Disable checking for EMS memory. NOXMS - Disable checking for XMS memory. NOAL - Disable checking for AdLib. NOSB - Disable checking for Sound Blaster. NOPRO - Disable checking for Sound Blaster Pro. NOSS - Disable checking for Sound Source. SST - Enable checking for Tandy Sound Source. SS1 - Enable checking for Sound Source on LPT1. SS2 - Enable checking for Sound Source on LPT2. SS3 - Enable checking for Sound Source on LPT3. NO386 - Disable checking for 386. ENABLEGP - Enables NoteBook GamePort checking Development/Cheat Parameters: POWERBALL - See information above. TICS - Display TIC INFO in score area. MUSIC - Enable music test mode - + or backspace-arrows changes music. RADAR - Displays radar, and slows game down. JAM - get everything Blake Stone V1.00s ------------------ This has the normal parameters as above, but no cheating. There is one extra parameter: nong - (unknown) Easter Egg ---------- Episode 4, level 4, if you complete the large secret area, then look at the map, you see the JAM logo. How to cheat and get your name in the high score list ----------------------------------------------------- Normally, if you cheat, you don't get the chance to enter the high score list. But, even this can be worked around. Firstly cheat your way through the game until you nearly finish level 9. Find the red access card and play the secret level 10. When done, catch the elevator to level 9. Make sure there isn't any more points to get, then SAVE YOUR GAME. Quit the game back to DOS. Now restart, DO NOT ENTER CHEAT MODE. Load your saved game. Make your way to your escape craft, and you can get onto the high score table! This works because saved games don't remember the cheat status.