.DARK AGES Part 1: Prince of Destiny Part 2: The Undead Kingdom Part 3: Dungeons of Doom Apogee says: + Cheat Codes - Press [F10] to activate the cheat mode in either the shareware or registered versions of the game. This activates the following cheats: [backspace] - Reduce extra health requirement to 5 coins. [+] - Rapid fire. To activate the pathetic 'cheat', press F10 and backspace. You will get a confirmation. Then press = to turn on the 'rapid fire' mode. Cheat mode can then be toggled using the backspace key. On the 2nd level, go right get the shield then go left On the 3rd level, go left, get coins then go right Keys ---- F1 Sound on/off F5 Pause P Pause S Save R Restore Ctrl Jump Alt Fire Up arrow or Enter: Next to the old man, he will show you what you need to get; At a doorway, enter the door For each 10 coins (on the EASY level) you get one unit of health. Other levels require more coins. According to the catalog, there is a secret 'child mode' level. The file FILE01.OLD is an alternate version of FILE01.DA1