.SHADOW WARRIOR Shadow Warrior + Cheat Codes - The following cheats are available by typing "T" during gameplay and then typing a given code in, one character at a time. swchan - God mode. swgimme - Get all inventory items. swtrekXX - Level warp, where XX is the level number. swghost - Clipping on/off. swmap - Reveal entire map when you look at it. swloc - Show frame rate. If used a second time, shows your location. swres - Change screen resolution. swgreed - God mode on, get all items and ammo. winpachinko - Win every time you play Pachinko. swstart - Restart current level. swquit - Quit game. swtrix - Bunny Rocket mode. swname - Change your name during a multi-player game. dumpsounds - Dump sound listing to a file (development only). soundXXX - Play sound XXX, where XXX is a sound number (development only).