.CAPTAIN COMIC 1 and 2 CAPTAIN COMIC 1 : Planet of Death --------------------------------- Default Keys ------------ Left-Right Move Space Jump Ins Shoot Alt Open Door Press K at the start to reconfigure the keys. If you want to go back to the defaults, DEL KEYS.DEF To reset the high scores, COPY NILSCORE COMIC.HGH Hints: ------ First screen - get the shield, go right, skip the first door, use the second. Second screen - go left, use the top walkways wherever possible. Hacking (for version 4 only - I have version 3) ------- From CHEAT program - not tested To disable "man lost" copy comic.exe x debug x e 193f 90 90 90 w q To disable loss of health when shot copy comic.exe x debug x e 22da 90 90 90 90 w q These 2 cheats can be combined! Then you can waltz right through the game - no need to worry about being shot, pricked, stung or whatever. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPTAIN COMIC 2 : Fractured Reality ----------------------------------- To start: FR.EXE To quit: Press Esc and read what it says Default keys: Space to jump, Insert to fire, arrow keys to move. Home to swap between game and black area underneath When the game starts, you cannot fire, so go to the right until you find a little blue thing that looks like a shield and take it. You can now fire. The little treasure chests don't seem to do anything, yet you must do some work to reach them. To get inside the building, jump into the biggest river and swim through the maze, avoiding the fish, starfish etc until you emerge into the building. You will find a creature with a head like a wolf. This is the man you seek. He wants you to go to the 4th floor to meet the boss. He then tells you to explore deep underneath the city. How to get there? On the way to see the boss, you can get a green key in the left-hand rooms. Once you get the key, you can press Home to highlight it, and Fire to get it superimposed onto your actor, but then what ??