BOULDER DASH FIRST STAR SOFTWARE, 1984 ------------ Modelled on the arcade game of the same name. Start: B-DASH.COM Quit: Reset Keys on menu screen: ------------------- Left-right arrow to select CAVE A,E,I,M Up-down arrow to select LEVEL 1,2,3,4,5 S to turn sound off/on Shift to begin playing Esc to choose 1/2 players, and 1/2 joysticks (each player uses the one joystick or has one each) Keys in play area: ----------------- Arrows to move about S to turn sound off/on B instant game over Space pause/unpause Esc/PrintScreen to restart level (in case you got stuck) (you lose a man) Esc/PrintScreen/Shift will continue game after you are squashed (you lose a man)