.ROCK 'N ROLL Need instructions Command-line options -------------------- /VCGA Use CGA /VHERC Use Hercules /VEGA Use EGA /VVGA Use EGA /V64EGA Use 'safe' CGA mode on EGA /MBEEP Use speaker instead of Adlib Keys ---- arrows move the ball around F1 changes colour P pause M music on/off S sound on/off ctrl or Del select tool Alt or Ins use selected tool ^C or ^Break quit to DOS Esc quit to menu Shift+K Use keyboard Shift+M Use mouse Shift+J Use joystick Tab Centre display around the ball Tools ----- zzz Pause eye Map Bomb ? Parachute ? Pickaxe ? The orange coins are money. The cards show things you can buy. How do you get over the red death cords without dying? Cannot play until this is known. From CHEAT program: (none of this is confirmed yet) Enter RAINBOW ARTS for your name. The screen should turn grey. NOT WORKING To warp to any level, enter the following Level number XX followed by 4 digits that when added together equal the level number then XX then the level number. NOT WORKING e.g. to get to level 12 enter 12 XX 3333 XX 12 If you want to hear the tunes type COUNTRY and a menu will appear. NOT WORKING There are 32 levels in this game ... or are there ??? How to get to level 33: UNABLE TO FIND SPECIAL HOLE On level 1, find the special hole, surrounded by 3 left pointing arrows. Fall down the hole, and press the left mouse button. You are now warped to level 33 !!