------------------------- MS-DOS v6.22 Help: SHARE -------------------------
<Notes> <Examples>                                               <Index>


Starts the Share program, which installs file-sharing and locking
capabilities on your disks and network drives.


    SHARE [/F:space] [/L:locks]

In your CONFIG.SYS file, use the following syntax:

    INSTALL=[[drive:]path]SHARE.EXE [/F:space] [/L:locks]


    Specifies the location of the SHARE.EXE file.


    Allocates file space (in bytes) for the MS-DOS storage area used to
    record file-sharing information. The default value is 2048.

    Sets the number of files that can be locked at one time. The default
    value is 20.


<Syntax> <Examples>


Common use of Share

Typically, you use SHARE in a network or multitasking environment in which
programs share files. SHARE loads the code that supports file-sharing and
locking in these environments. Once you install Share, MS-DOS uses the code
loaded by Share to validate all read and write requests from programs. For
example, if two people are accessing the same data file, SHARE manages the
file so both people do not write to the file at the same time.

Allocating space for file-sharing information

When deciding how many bytes to allocate for file sharing, note that each
open file requires enough space for the length of the full path and
filename. The average length of a filename and its path is 20 bytes.

Using Share with Microsoft Flash File System

Share may be required in order to run some applications with Microsoft Flash
File System.


<Syntax> <Notes>


The following example shows how you can use the INSTALL command in your
CONFIG.SYS file to load Share, with the default values for the /F and /L
switches. MS-DOS searches for the file SHARE.EXE in the DOS directory on
drive C.


The following example allocates 4096 bytes for storing file-sharing
information and specifies that 25 files can be locked at one time. Again,
MS-DOS searches for SHARE.EXE in the DOS directory on drive C:

    install=c:\dos\share.exe /f:4096 /l:25


<Top of page>
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