Network And Modem Games

                                                  Modem Num Rate-
Name                  Typ T Yr  Company       Net /Null Ply C M S  Notes
--------------------- --- - --  ------------- --- ----- --- ------ ------------
 AirDuel / DogFight   FS  R 93  MicroProse    No   2400  2  E A .  aka DogFight
 Air Warrior, SVGA    FS  R 95  Kesmai/Konami no   1200  50 H A A  [11]
 Archon Ultra         Str A 94  SSI           no   Yes   2  M . .  Chess-like
 Battle Chess         Str 1 88  Interplay     no   300n  2  M . .  FTF,[12]
 Battle Chess 2       Str 1 90  Interplay     no   300n  2  M . C  FTF,Oriental
 Battle Chess 4000    Str 1 91  Interplay     no   Yes   2  M . .  FTF,Future
 Battle Isle 2200     WG  1 95  Accolade      Yes  No?  4/5?H . .  Bad EMail?
 BattleDrome-Metaltec A   R 94  Dynamix       IPX* 2400n 2  M B+B  *Reqr. NETX?
 Battles Of Destiny   WG  1 92  QQP           No   Yes   2? M . .  [5] EMail
 Big Three (Windows)  WG  ? 95  Alliance Int* ?    Yes   ?  . . .  [24]
 Blood Bowl           Spo ? 95  MicroLeague   ?    Maybe ?  . . .  [28]
 Blue and the Gray    WG/S1 93  Impressions   no   No?   ?  M C C  FTF
 Car & Driver         Sim R 93? EA            NBio 2400  2  E B-C  Auto, SVGA
 ChessMaster 4000 T.  Str 1 94  SWareToolwork ?    Yes   2  M . A
 ChessNet3            Str 1 ?   Masque        NBio Yes   2  M . .  Win
 Combat               ?   ? ?   Merit         ?    Yes   ?  ? . .
 Combat 2             ?   ? ?   Merit         ?    Yes   ?  ? . .
 Command HQ           WG  R 90  MicroProse    No   2400  2  M A-C  Strategy too
 Conquered Kingdoms   WG  1 92  QQP           No   Yes   2  M C-C- FTF
 Conquer for Windows  WG  R 95  ?             NBio Yes   4  E . .  Win
 Corridor 7           3D  R 94  Capstone/GTek IPX  9600 12  E . F  
 Dark Legions         A/S S 94  SiliconKnight No   9600  2  M B+C+ SSI; FTF[18]
 Descent              3D  R 94  Parallax/IPly IPX  9600n 8  E A A  SW; 3D Space
 Detroit              Str 1 94  Impressions   No   2400  2  M C F  FTF
 DogFight, see "AirDuel"
 Doom                 3D  R 93  Id            IPX  9600  4  E A A- SW
 Doom II: HOE         3D  R 94  Id            IPX  9600  4  E A A-
 Empire Deluxe        Str 1 93  New World     NBio 1200  6  M . .  [14]
 Evasive Ection       Sim ? 94? Mindscape?    ?    Yes   ?  . . .  Ev.Action?
 F-15 Strike Eagle 3  FS  R 92  MicroProse    No   2400  2  M+B C  Coop/DM
 F-16 Combat Pilot    FS  R -   DigitalInt/EA No   Yes   2  M B C  EGA
 F-29 Retaliator      FS  R 91? Ocean/DID     No   2400  2  E B+B-
 Falcon 3.0           FS  R 91  S.Holobyte    IPX  Yes   6  H . .
 Fighter Wing         FS  R 94  Gemsoft/Merit I&NB 9600n 16 . B D  [20]
 Front Lines          WG  1 95? Impressions   No   Y[19] 2  M . C  
 Flight Simulator 5.0 FS  R 93  Microsoft     ?    Yes?  ?  . . .
 Global Conquest      WG  S 91  MicroProse    No   2400  4  M A+C  [17], FTF
 Global Domination    ?   ? -   Impressions   no   Yes   2? . . .
 Grandest Fleet       WG  1 94  QQP           No   Yes   2  . . .
 Great Naval Battle 2 WG  ? 94  SSI           ?    ?     ?  . B-C- WWII
 Greens               Spo 1 93  Microprose    No   2400  2  E . .  FTF, Golf
 Hammer of the Gods   WG  1 94  New World     I&NB 2400  4  M . .  EMail   [15]
 Hearts               Crd 1 92  Microsoft     Yes  no    4  M . .  WinNT/Win
 Heretic              3D  R 94  Raven         IPX  yes   4  E A A- SW;Doom Eng
 Hornet Nvl Strk Ftr  FS  R 93  S.Holobyte    IPX  Yes   6  . . .  Falcon 3 Add
 Indy Car Racing      Sim R -   Papyrus       no   9600  2  M . .  Auto Sim[16]
 Knights of the Sky   FS  R 90  Microprose    No   2400  2  M C-.
 Legions              WG  S -   MindScape/CrftIPX? No   18? M . .  Win, 5 plrs?
 LineWars II          A   R 94? Epic?         IPX  Yes   8  . . .  SW; Space
 Lords of the Realm   Str 1R94  Impressions   No   Yes  2/6 M . .  [21]
 Lost Admiral, The    WG  ? -   QQP           no   Yes   2  . . .   
 Magic Carpet        S/3D R 94  Bullfrog/EA   NBio No    8  M F+A  
 MegaWar              ?   ? -   ?             ?    ?     ?  . . .
 Medieval Warriors    Str ? -   Merit         No   Yes   2  M . . 
 Metal Marines        Str R ?   MindScape     No   Yes   2  E . .  [4] Windows
 Merchant Prince      Str 1 93  QQP           No   Yes   4! M . .  email
 Mig 29               FS  R 93  S.Holobyte    IPX  Yes   6  H . .  
 NASCAR               Sim R 94  Papyrus/Virgn No   9600  2  . . .  AutoRace[22]
 Netwars              ?   ? -   Novel?        IPX  no?   4  . . .  [1]
 Netris, Multimedia   A   R 94  SoftwareForge File No   20  E . .  [7]Win, SW
 1942 Pacific Air War FS  R 94  MicroProse    No   9600  2  M B B+ Coop/DM [9]
 Onslaught            WG  ? 94  FrontalAssalt Yes  Yes   2? . . .
 Operation BodyCount  3D  R 94  Capstone      Yes  Yes   ?  E . .
 Perfect General      WG  1 -   QQP           No   Yes   2  M A . 
 Perfect General 2    ?   ? 95  QQP           No   Yes   2  . . .
 Populus              Str R -   Bullfrog      NBio Yes   2  M . .
 Populus II           Str R -   Bullfrog      ?    Yes   2  M . .
 Powerdrome           Sim R 88  EA            No   Yes   2  E C+C  space race
 Power Monger         Str R -   Bullfrog/EA   no?  Yes   2  . . .
 Pro League BaseBall  Spo ? -   MicroSports   no   Yes   2? . . .  
 Pro League FootBall  Spo ? -   MicroSports   no   Yes   2? . . .  
 Rise of the Triad    3D  R 94  Apogee        Yes  Yes  11  E . .  SW(5 plyrs)
 Robosport            Str S -   Maxis         IPX  Yes   4  E . .  [6] Dos&Win
 Sea Wolf SSN-21      Sim R 94  EA            NBio Yes   2  M A A  Subs,Coop
 Second Front         WG  ? 92  SSI GGrigsby  ?    ?     ?  . B B- WWII: East
 Siege: DogsOfWar     Str S 92? Mindcraft     No   2400  2? E C B+ No EM/no FTF
 688 Attack sub       Str ? 89  EA            No   2400  2  . . . 
 Spaceward Ho! V2.0   Str S 92  New World     IPX? No   20  E . .  [14]
 Spector              A   R -   Velocity      NBio no    8  E . .  3D Tank
 Spector VR/Deluxe    A   R 93? Velocity      I&NB no    8  E . .  3D Tank
 Spector VR/CDEnhance A   R 94  Velocity      I&NB ?     8  E . .  3D Tank [30]
 Speed Racer          Sim ? -   Accolade      ?    ?     ?  . . .  Auto
 Stalingrad           WG  ? 95  ?             ?    ?     ?  . B+C+ WWII: East
 Stunt Driver         Sim R 90  S.Holobyte    No   Yes   2  M B B  Auto
 SuperKarts           Sim R 95  Manic/GT      IPX  No    8  E . .  FTF; [7]
 SuperTetris - Dos    A/P ? 91  S.Holobyte    IPX  Null  2  E . .  FTF
 SuperTetris - Win    A/P ? 91  S.Holobyte    No   No    2  E . .  FTF
 Syndicate-Am.Revolt  Str R -   Bullfrog      NBio No    8  H . .
 Tac Ops              ?   ? -   Arsenal       -    -     ?  . . .  
 Tank Commander       A/S R 95  Domark        IPX  9600  4  E C+F+ [25]
 Tanks!               WG  ? 94  Novastar      ?    ?     ?  . B+B  WWII;
 Transport Tycoon     ?   ? 94? Microprose?   No?  Null? 2? . . .
 Terminal Velocity    3D  R 95  3DRealms      IPX  Yes   8  E . .  [26] SW
 Tetris Classic - Dos A/P R 91? S.Holobyte    IPX  Null  2  E . .  FTF
 Tetris Classic - Win A/P R 91? S.Holobyte    No   No    2  E . .  FTF
 Thunder Zone         A   ? 94  Ingenuity     No   Yes   2  . . .  FW
 Tom Landry Football  Spo S -   Merit         No   Yes   2  M . .
 Tom Landry FB Deluxe Spo S -   Merit         No   Yes   2  M . .
 Tom Landry FB '94    Spo S 94  Merit         No   Yes   2  M . .
 Tornado              FS  R 93  DigitalInt/SH No   2400  2  H B B  
 Tracon               ?   ? -   ?             ?    ?     ?  . . .
 Tracon II            ?   ? -   ?             ?    Yes   ?  . . .
 Transport Tycoon     Str R 94  Microprose    No   2400? 2  M-. .
 Ultimate Football    Spo R 94  Microprose    No   9600  2  M . .  FTF
 V for Victory        Str ? -   360           no   Yes   ?  . . .
 V4V:Gold-Juno-Sword  WG  ? 93  Atomic/360    ?    ?     ?  . C C- WWII: D-Day
 V4V:Market-Garden    WG  ? 92  Atomic/360    ?    ?     ?  . B+B  (online too)
 V4V:Utah Beach       WG  ? 92  Atomic/360    ?    ?     ?  . A-B+ WWII: DDay
 V4V:Velikye Luki     WG  ? 92  Atomic/360    ?    ?     ?  . C-C- WWII; SVGA
 Virtual Pool         Spo 1 95  Interplay     Yes  Yes   ?  E . .  Demo [27]
 Wacky Wheels         A   R 94  Apogee        No   Y[10] 2  E . .  ToonRace,FTF
 War In Russia        WG  ? 93  SSI GGrigsby  ?    ?     ?  . B-B- WWII: East
 WarCraft             WG  R 94  Blizzard      IPX  Yes   2  M . .  demo [3]
 Western Front        WG  ? 92  SSI GGrigsby  ?    ?     ?  . B+B  WWII: DDay
 World Cir. F1 Gnd Pr Sim R 91  MicroProse    No   2400  2  H . .  Race [13]
 WW2 Air Force Cmdr   WG  ? 93  Impressions   ?    ?     ?  . C-C- WWII: Blitz
 Wing Commnder-Armada A   R 94  Origin        NBio Yes   6* M . .  Space [23]
 Zephyr               A   R 94  NewWorld Comp Y[8] ?[8]  6  E . .  Tank Race

[1] Bundled with Novell Personal Netware
[2] 1994 CD verion has EMail support, 1992 Disk version has no EMail
    Modem play is Simultaneous, EMail is Sequential
[3] wuarchive:/pub/msdos_uploads/game_demos/  SW has no multi.
    Modem play is 200-300% faster with 1.20 patch, contact
[4] (???)
[5] Empire-like, World conquest, MANY units, ability to make your own maps
[6] Supports 4 plyrs over modem on 2 computers.  Net requires separate licenses
[7] Netris:
    Look for,,  2 Player FTF support.
[8] Requires unreleased patch
[9] May require patch
[10] Modem play to be fixed in future version 1.2
[11] AirWarrior; 50 players via Genie/Delphi/CRIS services. Ver 1.16b or 1.17
[12] Dos, Windows, Mac & Amiga versions.  Medieval setting
[13] World Circuit Formula One Grand Prix:  Modem play requires patch,
[14] Dos & Windows version available. EMail & FTF support
[15] Each station requires separate CD.  Not sure if IPX is supported.
[16] Need patch to V1.4 (1.5).
[17] Need to patch to V2.0 for 4 player modem play & many addl. features
[18] Dark Legions; Fantasy chess like game with action element
[19] Currently, modem play unsupported.  No email play.  Dos. CGW129p160
[20] Euro version or Patch required for IPX support
[21] Turns are plotted sequentialy, combat real time. 6 players FTF. No Email
[22] Latest version is 1.4, or 1.5 which is distributed with addon tracks
[23] Armada: Proving Grounds Add-on (1/2 patch?) -  adds 6 play net support
     FTF using split-screen too.
[24] The Big Three; Big Time Software/Alliance. CGSP53p56
[25] Tank Commander; CGW128p38
[26] Terminal Velocity; Terminal Reality, Inc.
[27] Virtual Pool (3D); Demo availabile from,
[28] Blood Bowl; Port from Games Workshop's board game.  CGW128p70,44 CGSP53p127
     Apperently modem play requires an as-of-yet unreleased patch
[29] SuperKart; CGW128p39, CGSP53p129, CGW129p147
     Runs only from CD
[30] Spectre VR;  Spectre VR has Dos & Win verisions.  Spectre VR CD Enhanced
     has only a Windows version.

Shareware Games 

                                                  Modem Num Rate-
Name                  Typ T Yr  Company       Net /Null Ply C M S  Notes
--------------------- --- - --  ------------- --- ----- --- ------ -----
 Baryon               A   R 95  Acro Studio   No   No    2  . . .  [25] FTF;SW
 Battles on a Distant Planet 1.0 (Win)
                      Str 1 92  Glacier Edge  No   No    2  . . .  [19] FTF;SW
 Battles in a Distant Desert 1.0 (Win)
                      Str 1 93  Glacier Edge  No   No    2  . . .  [20] FTF;SW
 Bridge Crew          RP  ? 94  Mirthril SW   No   Null  ?  . . .  [10]
 Car Racer 0.95       A   ? 95  D Meschede    No   No    4  . . .  [3] FTF
 AFT Modem            FS  1 89  Steven Hugg   No   Yes   2  . . .  [33] SW
 Empire               ?   ? ?   ?             ?    ?     ?  . . .  [5]
 Fences               Str 1 91  SteveBlanding No   No    2  E C-D- [30] FTF;FW
 Gladiator 3.5        A   R 95  Acro Studio   No   No    2  . . .  [25] FTF;SW
 Ground War II        A   R 92  EnQue SW      No   1200  2  E . .  [15]
 LineWars 1.52        A   R 90  Pat Aalto     No   Yes   2  . . .  [14];see LW2
 Liteyear             A   ? -   ?             Novl No    4  . . .  aka Netwars
 Maecca               A/S R 95  Spinning Fish No   No    2  . . .  [24];FTF; SW
 Medieval War         Str 1 93  Burnham Park  No   No    6  M . .  EMail,FTF[4]
 MegaTron VGA         A   ? 92  John Stanley  No   Yes   2  . . .  [32];SW
 Modem 3D             ?   ? 94  Amazing Graph.No   Yes   ?  . . .
 Mother Of All Battle Str 1 93  S O'Connor    No   No    6  E . .  [17];FTF; SW
 NetSpace             A   ? 92  Dragon Palace TCP  No    8  . . .  [1]
 Panzerkrieg (Win)    WG  S 93  Blue Chip     NBio Yes   2  M . .  [31];FTF; SW
 Pune                 A   R 95  Nick Duddy    No   No    6  . . .  [16];FTF; SW
 Reflector Chess      Str 1 95  DigiCraft     No   No    2  M . .  [28];FTF; SW
 Second Conflict      Str 1 91  jSoft         No   No   10  E . .  [18];FTF; SW
 Slicks & Slides      A   R 93  TimoKauppinen No   No    4  E . .  [8]; FTF; SW
 StarDuel 1.0         A   R 95  Mark Sutton   No   No    2  E . .  [22];FTF; SW
 Stellar Empires      Str 1 93  Tahuya Bay    No   No   12  . . .  [21];FTF; SW
 Super Speed          A   R 95  GameFactory   No   No    4  E . .  [9]; FTF; SW
 Super Tank 1.0       A   R 92  K Dahlhausen  No   No    3  E D+na [6]; FTF; FW
 TanKKK               A   R 92  Jaaskelainen  No   No    3  E D+na [7]; FTF; SW
 Tubular Worlds       A   R 94  Dongleware    No   No    2  E . C  [13]; FTF;SW
 WarPath (Win)        Str R 94  SyntheticR... IPX  Yes   4  M . C- [11]; SW
 Warp Space           A/S R 92  Mike Erskine  No   Yes   2  M . .  [29]; SW
 Wasteroids (WinG)    A   R 94  GlenSummers   No   No    2  E D+D  [12]; FTF;FW
 Wibbles II           A   R 95  D'India       No   No    2  E . .  [27]; FTF;SW
[1] NetSpace 1.3:
[3] CarRacer:
    author: mesched@GOEDEL.UNI-MUENSTER.DE
    requires S3 Video car or use of UNIVESA driver (same ftp site)
[4] Medieval War: contact
[5] Empire:
[6] Super Tank:
    Like the Atari 2600 Tanks game.
[7] TanKKK:
    Also Like the Atari 2600 Tanks game.
[8] Slicks & Slides; Overhead car race; SLICKS.ZIP; Version 1.26
[9] Super Speed; Overhead car race; V1=SUPSPEED.ZIP; V1.1=SUPSPD11.ZIP
[10] Bridge Crew; Computer-Assisted Role Playing.  SW.  Daisy chains
     computers/dumb-terminals using null modem cables or multi-port
     cards (I was unable to get SW1.12 running on a single machine)
[11] Warpath; WARPATH.ZIP.  Version 1.0. Synthetic Reality, Dan Samuel,  Space Conquest
[12] Wasteroids 1.0; WAST.ZIP.  Windows with Wing,
[13] Tubular Worlds; TUBWORLD.ZIP.  RType-ish space sideways shooter.
[14] LineWars 1.52; LW152.ZIP. Look for LineWars II instead.
[15] Ground War II V2.0; GRNDWAR2.ZIP.  
[16] Pune; 6 player snake game.  Based on Dune3 for Amiga.  Ver 0.91.,,
[17] Mother of all Battles 1.0 (Win); Sean O'Connor, Cade Roux,
     Fast & simple Empire clone.  SW version supports only 2 players.
[18] Second Conflict 1.01 (Win);  JSoft/J.W.Galloway
     Space conquest.  Moderate number of features.  Unusual, rough interface.
[19] Battles on a Distant Planet 1.0 (Win);  Simplistic, ameturish, single
     tank level, tactical wargame.,
[20] Battles in a Distant Desert 1.0 (Win);  Battles on a Distant Planet, but
     set in middle east (Desert Storm).,
[21] Stellar Empires 1.0 (Win).  Relativly simple but fast Space Conquest
     (StarWeb) type game.  Odd interface.  Windows but no graphics.
[22] StarDuel; Simple 2 player FTF "SpaceWar" arcade game.  Collect
     energy for weapons.  Stars affect ships with gravity field
[24] Maecca;;  Action/Puzzle type game
[25] Baryon; Top-down scrolling shoot-em-up.  Nice graphics, but
     runs way too fast on modern machines.
[26] Gladiator 3.5; Gauntlet like, 2 player split screen, overhead view.
     Control 8 or so units (one at a time) in a real time tactical battle. or
[27] Wibbles II 1.0;  Split screen Catapilliar/worm game w/many options.
[28] Reflector Chess;  Chess-like board game w/pieces that shoot
[29] Warp Space;  EGA, Ameturish, overhead view, StarTrek like space game.
     Author was busy working on a CGA version.
[30] Fences (win); Simple game like Dots for 1 or 2 players, FTF
[31] Panzerkrieg for Windows; Tactical wargame
[32] Megatron VGA;;  1st person - robots in a maze.  Modem & NullM
[33] Chuck Yeager's Advanced Flight Trainer:  AFT Modem;  Shareware program
     that presumably adds 2 player modem support

Game Type (Typ) Column

    A=Action        Spo=Sports       3D=1st Person Action (like doom)
    Str=Strategy    WG=Wargame       P=Puzzle      Crd=Card Game
    Sim=Simulation  FS=Flight Sim
    Adv=Adventure   A/S=Action/Str 

Turn Type (T) Column

    R = Real Time (uninterrupted play)
    S = Simultaneous (everyone does their turn, then waits for others)
    1 = Sequential (one person plays at a time, everybody else waits) 

Rating (Rate) Columns

    C = Complexity (E=Easy, M=Medium, H=Hard)
    M = Multi-player value (ABCDF +/-))
    S = Single-player value 


    EMail  turn based games playable via electronic mail
    FTF    refers to "Face-To-Face" games, with 2+ players on 1 computer
    FW     Freeware
    IPX    IPX network protocol required
    NBio   NetBios network support required
    I&NB   Both IPX and NetBios supported
    Null   (Modem/Null column) only null-modem support - no modem
    SW     multi-player supported in shareware or demo version 


    AHill = Avalon Hill
    EA = Electronic Arts
    SH = Spectrum Holobyte
    IPlay. = Interplay
    DigitalInt. = Digital Integrations
    NWorld. = New World Computing
    MProse = MicroProse
    CGW###p## refers to Computer Gaming World, Issue ###, page ##
    CGSP##p## refers to Computer Gamming Strategy Plus, Issue ##, page ##