Q30491: Structures and Segment Overrides

Article: Q30491
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | buglist4.00 | mspl13_masm
Last Modified: 17-JUN-1988

   When I do a segment override, using structures, I get an "Invalid
Object Module" error when I link.

   This is a known problem in Version 4.00 of MASM. This problem was
corrected in Version 5.10.
   The following example illustrates the problem:

; This is broken under 4.00 w\link 3.x.
NODE struc
     integer  dw ?
     next     dw ?
NODE ends
_DATA  segment
_DATA  ends
_TEXT segment
      mov si, offset _DATA:next ;   IT WORKS with ds:next
      mov ax, 4C00h             ;   Exit to DOS
      int 21h
_TEXT ends