Q34467: MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC: DOS Macro Syntax and Description

Article: Q34467
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.10   | 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS | OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | | mspl13_masm
Last Modified: 12-JAN-1989

The following information was taken from the MASM 5.10 MACRO.DOC file.

DOS Macro Syntax and Description


@GetKey (01h, 07h, 08h, 0Ch)

Gets a keystroke from the keyboard

Syntax:         @GetKey [#echo] [,[#break] [,#clearbuf]]

Arguments:      echo        = nonzero to echo keystroke -
                              default yes
                break       = nonzero to accept Control-C - default
                clearbuf    = nonzero to clear keyboard buffer -
                              default no
                (Arguments may be omitted to get defaults)
Return:         ASCII code of key in AL
Registers used: AX used for all, DL used if echo on and ctrl
-c off

@GetStr (0Ah)

Gets a string from the keyboard

Syntax:         @GetStr &buffer [,[$terminator] [,[#limit]

Arguments:      buffer      = Offset of buffer where string will
                              be stored
                    Byte 1  = Maximum length of string (before call)
                    Byte 2  = Actual length of string (after call)
                    Byte 3+ = Bytes of string
                terminator  = Terminating byte - usually null (0) or
$ (24h)
                limit       = Maximum length of string (if not given
                              as argument, must be in buffer before
                              macro call)
                segment     = Segment of buffer (DS if not given)
Return:         Pointer to string in SI, length of string in BX
Registers used: AX, DX, BX, SI