Q37163: How to INPUT Text without CTRL+BREAK Stopping Execution

Article: Q37163
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 1.00 1.01 1.02 2.00 2.01 3.00 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | B_BasicCom | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 28-DEC-1989

When an INPUT or LINE INPUT statement is pending to accept text, the
program will always stop if you press CTRL+BREAK. CTRL+BREAK aborts
the program even when the program is compiled without the /D (debug)
option. [Pressing CTRL+BREAK will not stop programs compiled without
/D (debug) if no INPUT or LINE INPUT statement is currently pending.]

Also, events such as ON KEY(n) GOSUB key trapping and ON ERROR GOTO
error handling are suspended until the INPUT or LINE INPUT statement
is satisfied by pressing the ENTER key.

This behavior applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC Versions 1.00, 1.01,
1.02, 2.00, 2.01, 3.00, 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50; to Microsoft BASIC
Compiler Versions 6.00 and 6.00b for MS-DOS and MS OS/2; and to
Microsoft BASIC PDS Version 7.00 for MS-DOS and MS OS/2.

You will need to use a method other than INPUT and LINE INPUT to both
suppress CTRL+BREAK and allow input, and to allow events to be handled
while input is taking place. The easiest method to use is a loop
structure that monitors the value of the INKEY$ function and makes the
appropriate changes to the input string. Below is an example of how to
write your own INPUT statement. For another example of how to write
your own INPUT statement, query on the following words:

   QuickBASIC and buffered and keyboard and input and cursor

The program listing below demonstrates how to use INKEY$ in a loop to
simulate the operation of INPUT or LINE INPUT. The program checks the
value of INKEY$, and acts on the value accordingly, such as handling
backspaces, carriage returns, and non-printable characters. This
routine can easily be modified to allow other features, such as
filling the edit field to the specified size with a fill character,
recognizing function keys to perform various functions, etc.

THe following is a code example:

'--- Copyright (c) 1988 Microsoft Corporation
'--- This program demonstrates the subprogram TextInput as a
'--- substitute for BASIC's INPUT and LINE INPUT statements.
'--- When compiled without the /D (debug) option, pressing
'--- CTRL+BREAK will not stop this program.
DECLARE SUB TextInput (text$, MaxLen%)
text$ = "This is a sample"
PRINT "Enter some text:";
TextInput text$, 45
PRINT "The line you entered:"
PRINT text$

'--- TextInput
'--- Accepts a line of text from the user
'--- Text$   : Default string/destination string input by user
'--- MaxLen% : Maximum length of destination string, up to 80 chars
SUB TextInput (text$, MaxLen%) STATIC
  '--- Set up cursor, line, and maximum characters to enter:
  y% = CSRLIN
  LOCATE , , 1
  IF MaxLen% > (79 - POS(0)) THEN MaxLen% = (79 - POS(0))
  '--- Display default text:
  PRINT text$;
  '--- Do the input loop:
    i$ = INKEY$
    SELECT CASE LEFT$(i$, 1)
      CASE CHR$(8)                      '--- Handle a backspace
        IF text$ > "" THEN
          text$ = LEFT$(text$, LEN(text$) - 1)
          LOCATE y%, POS(0) - 1
          PRINT " ";
          LOCATE , POS(0) - 1
        END IF
      CASE CHR$(32) TO CHR$(255)        '--- Valid characters
        IF LEN(text$) <= MaxLen% THEN
          PRINT LEFT$(i$, 1);
          text$ = text$ + LEFT$(i$, 1)
        END IF
      CASE "", CHR$(13)                 '--- Null or carriage return
      CASE ELSE                         '--- Non-printables, etc.
  LOOP UNTIL i$ = CHR$(13)
  LOCATE , , 0