Q38492: FILEATTR Gets MS-DOS File Handle to Get File Date/Time Stamp

Article: Q38492
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | B_BasicCom | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 15-MAR-1990

When you open a file with the OPEN statement in a compiled BASIC
program, the file number that you give is not the MS-DOS file handle.
Instead, the file number acts as a pointer into an internal table that
BASIC uses to hold the file handles. You can use the FILEATTR function
to obtain the actual MS-DOS file handle.

The syntax for getting the file handle is as follows:

   FILEATTR(filenumber, 2)

The program example below shows how to obtain the MS-DOS file handle
of a file using the FILEATTR function. The program then uses the file
handle in an MS-DOS INTERRUPT call to return the file's date and time

This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC Versions 4.00, 4.00b,
and 4.50, to Microsoft BASIC Compiler Versions 6.00 and 6.00b for
MS-DOS, and to Microsoft BASIC Professional Development System (PDS)
Version 7.00 for MS-DOS.

The FILEATTR function is not available with QuickBASIC versions
earlier than Version 4.00.

This code example invokes MS-DOS interrupt 21 hex (33 decimal) with
function 57 hex (87 decimal) to get a file's date and time stamp from
the file's directory entry. This interrupt requires an MS-DOS file
handle as an argument. BASIC's FILEATTR function is used to retrieve
the file handle before invoking the interrupt.

Code Example

REM $INCLUDE: 'qb.bi'
REM  In BASIC PDS 7.00 you must instead include 'qbx.bi'
REM  In BC.EXE for QuickBASIC 4.00, 4.00b, 4.50, or BASIC Compiler
REM  6.00, 6.00B, link with QB.LIB. In BC.EXE for BASIC PDS 7.00,
REM  link with QBX.LIB. (To support the CALL INTERRUPT statement.)

DIM inregs AS RegType, outregs AS RegType
ON ERROR GOTO ErrorHandler
INPUT "Enter filename:", filename$

OPEN filename$ FOR INPUT AS #1
filename$ = filename$ + CHR$(0)  ' ASCIIZ (Null on end)
inregs.ax = &H5700
inregs.bx = FILEATTR(1, 2)       ' Get DOS File Handle
CALL INTERRUPT(&H21, inregs, outregs)

REM Date is returned in outregs.dx.
REM   Day   : Bits 0-4
REM   Month : Bits 5-8
REM   Year  : Bits 9-15 (from 1980)
Day = outregs.dx AND 31                ' Mask the upper bits
Month = (outregs.dx \ 2 ^ 5) AND 15    ' Shift L 5 & mask upper bits
Year = 1980 + (outregs.dx \ 2 ^ 9)     ' Shift left 9 & add 1980
PRINT "Month ="; Month; "  Day ="; Day; "  Year ="; Year

REM Time is returned in outregs.cx
REM   Seconds : Bits 0-4 (2 second increments)
REM   Minutes : Bits 5-10
REM   Hours   : Bits 11-15
seconds = 2 * (outregs.cx AND 31) '  Mask the upper bits & mult. by 2
minutes = (outregs.cx \ 2 ^ 5) AND 63  ' Shift L 5 & mask upper bits
hours = outregs.cx     ' Shift left 11 - Be sure to shift in zeros!
hours = hours \ 2
hours = hours AND 32767
hours = hours \ 2 ^ 10
PRINT "Sec ="; seconds; "  Min ="; minutes; "  Hours ="; hours
SHELL "dir " + filename$

        IF ERR = 53 THEN    ' File Not Found
          PRINT "Incorrect path or File does not exist"
          PRINT ERR
        END IF