Q39046: Error R6007 Bad Environment on exec

Article: Q39046
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.00 5.10 | 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS | OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | s_quickc s_error | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 21-DEC-1988

The information below discusses the run-time error message R6007.

The following error is from "Run-Time Library Error Messages" in the
"Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler User's Guide," Section E.4.1, Page
283, and in the "Microsoft QuickC Compiler Programmer's Guide,"
Section D.3.2, Page 362:

R6007       bad environment on exec

            During a call to one of the exec functions, DOS determined
            that the child process was being given a bad environment

These messages may be generated at run time when your program has
serious errors. Run-time error-message numbers range from R6000 to
R6999. A run-time error message takes the following general form:

   run-time error R6nnn
   - messagetext

Errors R6005 through R6007 occur when a child process spawned by one
of the exec library routines fails, and DOS could not return control
to the parent process. This error indicates that not enough memory
remained to load the program being spawned.