Q39524: TSR in Assembly

Article: Q39524
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.00 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | | mspl13_masm
Last Modified: 12-JAN-1989

Terminate and stay resident (TSR) programs consist of RAM-resident and
transient portions. When a TSR is executed, the transient portion
initializes data and installs the interrupt handlers; the transient
portion only takes place once. On exit, the transient code executes a
MS-DOS TSR function to leave the RAM-resident portion in memory. The
RAM-resident portion of the code is now ready and waiting to be

Typically a TSR is invoked by another program by a sequence of
keystrokes, or by a system interrupt. The following is an example of a
TSR that displays the system time in the upper-right corner of the
screen. During the transient portion, the TSR replaces the
system-timer interrupt code with its own code and saves the old
address so the original system-timer interrupt can be invoked by the
new code. The system-timer interrupt occurs approximately 19 times a
second, and is required for the system to execute correctly. The
RAM-resident portion of the TSR first invokes the original
system-timer interrupt, then calls Interrupt 1AH function 02H to
obtain the current time. The time is then displayed in the upper-right
corner of the screen.

The following sample program demonstrates this behavior:

_text   segment para public 'CODE'
        org     100h
        .286                    ; Used for PUSHA and POPA intstuctions
                                ; If 8086 you will need to explictly
                                ; push all the registers on the stack
        assume  cs:_text,ds:_text
        jmp     initialize
old_timer       dd  ?           ; space for old timer vector
timer_int       proc    far
        sti                     ; enable interupts
        assume  ds:nothing
        pushf                   ; put flags on stack
        call    old_timer
        push    ax              ; save registers
        push    cx
        push    dx
        mov     ah,02h
        int     1ah             ; get time  Returns:
                                ; ch = hours in BCD
                                ; cl = minutes in BCD
                                ; dh = seconds in BCD
                                ; dl  ignored
        call    print_drv       ; call time to read time
        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax              ; restore registers
timer_int       endp

print_drv       proc    near
        assume  cs:_text,ds:_text
        pusha                   ; Save registers
        push    es              ; Save Segment registers
        push    ds
        mov     bx,cs
        mov     ds,bx           ; data seg = code seg
        call    getpos
        push    bx              ; save cursor on stack
        mov     bx,41h
        call    setpos          ; move cursor to right hand corner
        call    display_time
        pop     bx
        call    setpos          ; restore cursor
        pop     ds              ; restore Segment registers
        pop     es              ; restore registers
print_drv       endp

display_time proc near
        assume cs:_text,ds:_text
        push   ax
        push   bx
        push   cx
        push   si
        mov    ax,cs           ; Data Seg = Code Seg
        mov    ds,ax
;   Output hours
        mov        bx,cx       ; move hours to bx
        mov        al,bh
        mov        cl,4        ; Set shift count to 4
        shr        ax,cl       ; rotate to low nybble
        and        ax,000FH    ; Mask out all but low nybble
        mov        si,ax       ; Use low nybble as index into
        mov        al,byte ptr asciitab  [si] ; asciitable
        call       dchar       ; print 1st digit of hours
        mov        al,bh
        and        ax,000FH    ; Mask out all but low nybble
        mov        si,ax       ; Use low nybble as index into
        mov        al,byte ptr asciitab  [si] ; asciitable
        call       dchar
        call       dcolon

;   Output Minutes
        mov        al,bl        ; move hours to bx
        mov        cl,4         ; Set shift count to 8
        shr        ax,cl        ; rotate to low nybble
        and        ax,000FH     ; Mask out all but low nybble
        mov        si,ax        ; Use low nybble as index into
        mov        al,byte ptr asciitab  [si] ; asciitable
        call       dchar        ; print 1st digit of hours
        mov        al,bl
        and        ax,000FH     ; Mask out all but low nybble
        mov        si,ax        ; Use low nybble as index into
        mov        al,byte ptr asciitab  [si] ; asciitable
        call       dchar        ; print 1st digit of hours
        call       dcolon

;   Output Seconds
        mov        al,dh        ; move hours to bx
        mov        cl,4         ; Set shift count to 4
        shr        ax,cl        ; rotate to low nybble
        and        ax,000FH     ; Mask out all but low nybble
        mov        si,ax        ; Use low nybble as index into
        mov        al,byte ptr asciitab  [si] ; asciitable
        call       dchar        ; print 1st digit of hours
        mov        al,dh
        and        ax,000FH     ; Mask out all but low nybble
        mov        si,ax        ; Use low nybble as index into
        mov        al,byte ptr asciitab  [si] ; asciitable
        call       dchar

        pop     si
        pop     cx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
display_time endp

; Get the current cursor position and return it in BX
getpos  proc    near
        push    ax
        push    cx
        push    dx

        mov     ah,03h
        mov     bh,0    ; page zero
        int     10h
        mov     bx,dx   ; Return the positon in BX

        pop     dx
        pop     cx
        pop     ax
getpos  endp

; Set the current cursor postion to the vaule in BX
setpos  proc    near
        push    ax
        push    bx
        push    dx

        mov     ah,02h  ; use int 10h function 2 to set cursor position
        mov     dx,bx
        mov     bh,0
        int     10h

        pop     dx
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
setpos endp

dcolon  proc near
        mov     al,':'
        call    dchar
dcolon  endp

; Display the character contained in Al
dchar   proc near
        push    ax
        push    bx
        mov     bh,1
        mov     ah,0eh
        int     10h
        pop     bx
        pop     ax
dchar   endp

asciitab:     db      '0123456789',0
; The following section  of code executes during initial program
; execution.
                assume ds:_text
                mov bx,cs               ; data_seg = code_seg
                mov ds,bx

                mov     al,08h          ; get vector of interrupt timer
                mov     ah,35h          ;
                int     21h
                mov     word ptr old_timer, bx ; save vector
                mov     word ptr old_timer[2],es

                mov     dx,offset timer_int
                mov     al,08h
                mov     ah,25h          ; replace system interrupt
                int     21h             ; with our timer_int

                mov     dx,offset initialize  ; terminate and stay resident
                int     27h                   ; int 21h would work
_text   ends
        end start