Article: Q42591
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 6.00 6.00b 7.00 | 6.00 6.00b 7.00
Operating System(s): MS-DOS | OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 1-FEB-1990

You can receive the error, "SYS2090: Unable to load User Program" when
trying to run the SETUP.EXE, LINK.EXE, or LIB.EXE program (from
Microsoft BASIC Compiler Versions 6.00 or 6.00b and Microsoft BASIC
Professional Development System (PDS) Version 7.00 for MS-DOS and MS
OS/2) in either the protected or real modes of Microsoft OS/2.

This Microsoft OS/2 error typically occurs when trying to run a bound
application that is not configured correctly in the real (MS-DOS)
environment. Because bound applications can run under both real or
protected mode, these applications are very sensitive to their

The following are some possible reasons for this error in real mode:

1. A corrupted or zero-length .EXE file.

2. When running under the standard MS-DOS environment, you may be
   using MS-DOS Versions 2.x. Running a bound application under MS-DOS
   2.x requires that the bound programs be placed in the current
   subdirectory. Using MS-DOS Versions 3.x will also correct the

3. Problems with the specific BIOS, possibly corrected by upgrading
   the ROM version.

4. Interference by terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs and some
   unpatched versions of Novell netware has been observed to cause
   SYS2090 errors. Novell users should contact their dealers to obtain
   patched versions of the netware that emulate MS-DOS 3.x correctly by
   preserving the SS and SP registers when spawning processes. Novell
   netware Version 2.0A++, and Versions 2.10 and later are patched
   properly, according to Novell.)