Q43746: QuickBASIC Program to Send a Break through COM1 Port

Article: Q43746
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | SR# S890418-97 B_BasicCom | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 14-DEC-1989

Below is a Microsoft QuickBASIC program that sends a Break through
COM1 using the OUT statement. To cause a Break condition to be output
on the communications line, the Line-Control Register must be read in,
the Break bit set (bit number 6), and the register rewritten to the
port. The Line-Control Register is an 8250 register at I/O port
address 3FB hex. More information concerning the Line-Control Register
and other 8250 registers can be found on Pages 177-181 in "8088
Assembler Language Programming: The IBM PC," 2nd edition, by David C.
Willen and Jeffrey I. Krantz (published by SAMS, 1988).

A simple outline of the program below is as follows:

1. Get current Line-Control Register -- value% = INP(&H3FB)

2. Set the Break bit, bit 6, 2^6= 64 -- value% = value% OR 64

3. Rewrite Line-Control Register     -- OUT &H3FB, value%

The following program executes correctly in Microsoft QuickBASIC
Compiler Versions 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50, Microsoft BASIC Compiler
Versions 6.00 and 6.00b, and Microsoft BASIC PDS Version 7.00:

' This is a sample QuickBASIC program that reads the Line-Control
' Register for the communications port (address &H3FB), sets the
' Break, and puts it back to the port. This causes a Break to be sent
' through the communications port.

DECLARE SUB IntToBin (byte%, bin$)
DECLARE SUB BreakWord (dataword%, highbyte%, lowbyte%)

OPEN "com1:9600,n,8,,CS0,DS0,CD0,RB8192,TB8192" FOR RANDOM AS 1

LineContlReg1% = INP(&H3FB)                        'Get line control

CALL BreakWord(LineContlReg1%, high1%, low1%)
CALL IntToBin(LineContlReg1%, LCR1$)
PRINT "Line-Control Register (LCR) :  "; LineContlReg1%
PRINT "LCR representation in binary:  "; LCR1$

LineContlReg2% = LineContlReg1% OR 64              'Set Break -- 6th

CALL BreakWord(LineContlReg2%, high2%, low2%)
CALL IntToBin(LineContlReg2%, LCR2$)
PRINT "Line-Control Register (LCR) :  "; LineContlReg2%
PRINT "LCR representation in binary:  "; LCR2$

OUT &H3FB, LineContlReg2%    'Reset the Line-Control Register to send
                             'a Break


'     BreakWord() takes an integer argument and returns two integers
'     representing the high and low bytes of the original.
SUB BreakWord (dataword%, highbyte%, lowbyte%)
    IF dataword% < 0 THEN
       highbyte% = (dataword% + 2 ^ 16) \ 256   'check for high BIT
       highbyte% = dataword% \ 256              'integer divide off
                                                'low byte
    END IF

    lowbyte% = dataword% AND 255                'AND off the top byte

'    IntToBin() takes an INTEGER argument and produces a
'    binary string representation of the INTEGER.
SUB IntToBin (byte%, bin$)
bin$ = ""
temp% = byte%

FOR i = 0 TO 7
    IF temp% AND 1 THEN
       bin$ = "1" + bin$
       bin$ = "0" + bin$
    END IF
    temp% = temp% \ 2