Q44409: Passing Dynamic Array of User-Defined TYPE from QB to MASM 5.x

Article: Q44409
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | SR# S890510-57 B_BasicCom | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 20-DEC-1989

This article contains a code example of passing a dynamic array of
user-defined TYPEs to an assembly routine that copies the array to
another array that is passed back to BASIC.

This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC Versions 4.00, 4.00b,
and 4.50, to Microsoft BASIC Compiler Versions 6.00 and 6.00b for
MS-DOS and MS OS/2, and to Microsoft BASIC PDS Version 7.00 for MS-DOS
and MS OS/2. The assembly routine requires Microsoft Macro Assembler
Version 5.00 or later.

The arrays being passed can be larger than 64K when the BASIC program
is compiled with the BC /AH option (or if the QB.EXE or QBX.EXE editor
is started with the /AH option).

Code Example

'Please note that it is necessary to pass the segment and
'the offset of a dynamic array being passed to assembly using
'VARSEG and VARPTR respectively.

'The following BASIC program passes two arrays to a routine called MASM.
'The MASM routine copies the first array to the second array,
'passing it back to BASIC through a parameter.


TYPE testType
  StrElem AS STRING * 11
  NumElem AS INTEGER        ' Size of integer is 2

' The underscore character for BASIC PDS 7.00 must be taken out to
' use with BC.EXE. QBX.EXE will remove the underscores at load time
' and concatenate the line.

       BYVAL TypeLength AS INTEGER,_
       BYVAL Length AS INTEGER,_
       BYVAL SegAddr1 AS INTEGER,_
       BYVAL Addr1 AS INTEGER,_
       BYVAL SegAddr2 AS INTEGER,_
       BYVAL Addr2 AS INTEGER)
Size% = 20%     'Size of the array (# of elements)
TypeSize% = 13%  'Size of TYPEs stored in array
DIM inArray(1 TO Size%) AS testType
DIM outArray(1 TO Size%) AS testType

'Load inArray with a 11 character string " *inArray* " and index:
FOR i = 1 TO Size%
  inArray(i).StrElem = " *inArray* "
  inArray(i).NumElem = i

' The underscore character for BASIC PDS 7.00 must be taken out to
' use with BC.EXE. QBX.EXE will remove the underscores at load time
' and concatenate the line.

' Masm will copy the contents of inArray to outArray:
CALL Masm(TypeSize%,_

' Print the inArray:
PRINT "inArray: "
FOR i = 1 TO Size%
  PRINT inArray(i).StrElem; inArray(i).NumElem

' Print the outArray to see that the contents of inArray
' were copied to it:

PRINT "outArray: "
FOR i = 1 TO Size%
  PRINT outArray(i).StrElem; outArray(i).NumElem

The Assembly Routine That Copies the Array

; The routine 'Masm' copies a dynamic TYPE array of any
;   length to another TYPE array.
; Warning:
;   -- Arrays must be adequately and equally dimensioned.
; Masm takes six parameters from the BASIC routine:
;   1 - Size of TYPEs in array to be copied (BX)
;   2 - # of elements in Array
;   3 - Segment of source array
;   4 - Offset of first element of source array
;   5 - Segment of destination array
;   6 - Offset of first element of destination array


Masm    PROC
     push   bp
     mov    bp, sp

     mov    bx, [bp+16]   ; Size of TYPEs in array -> bx
     mov    ax, [bp+14]   ; Elements in array -> ax
     mul    bx     ; multiply ax by bx and put answer in ax
     mov    cx,ax  ; Number of bytes in array -> cx

     mov    es, [bp+12]   ; Segment of first array (inArray)
     mov    bx, [bp+10]   ; Offset of first element in first
                          ; array
; body
     mov    si,0 ; initialize first array index (inArray)
     mov    al,es:[bx] ; Load byte to copy to second array
                       ;  in al
     push   bx         ; save bx
     push   es         ; save es
     mov    es, [bp+8] ; Segment of second array (outArray)
     mov    bx, [bp+6] ; Offset of second arrays first
                       ; element
     add    bx,si ; Get correct offset into 2nd array from
                  ; index
     mov    es:[bx],al ; Move the byte into the second array
     pop    es ; restore es
     pop    bx ; restore bx
     add    bx,1 ; point to next element in first array
                 ; (inArray)
     add    si,1 ; increment second array (outArray) index
     loop    again ; Loop until cx is 0

     pop    bp