Q50337: Internal Compiler Error: ctypes.c:1.107, Line 474

Article: Q50337
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 5.10   | 5.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS | OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 30-NOV-1989

The program below generates the following error when compiled with the
default command-line options under the Microsoft C optimizing compiler
Version 5.10:

   intr.c(12) : fatal error C1001: Internal Compiler Error
                   (compiler file '@(#)ctypes.c:1.107', line 474)
                   Contact Microsoft Technical Support

The following program demonstrates the internal compiler error:

#define  interrupt_number = 0x62     /*  any number will do */

struct interface {
                     int counter;
                     char signature[8];
                 } far interface;

void far*far*interrupt_vector = ( void far * )0L;

int main( void )
   /* offending line--invalid */
   interrupt_vector[interrupt_number] = interface;

   /* replace with this line */
// interrupt_vector[interrupt_number] = &interface;

The program is not syntactically valid: the offending line attempts to
assign a structure (rather than a pointer to the structure) to a void
function pointer.

Modifying the offending line of code to a pointer rather than a
structure [i.e., using the "address of" operator ("&") on the
interface structure] eliminates the internal compiler error and makes
the program correct.