Q50945: How to Get Blinking Text in BASIC SCREEN Modes 7, 8, 9, 12, 13

Article: Q50945
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 4.00 4.00b 4.50
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | SR# S891113-97 B_BasicCom | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 5-SEP-1990

The program example below demonstrates how to use the CALL INTERRUPT
statement to enable blinking text in screen modes 7, 8, 9, 12, and 13.

This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC versions 4.00, 4.00b,
and 4.50 for MS-DOS; to Microsoft BASIC Compiler versions 6.00 and
6.00b for MS-DOS; and to Microsoft BASIC Professional Development
System (PDS) versions 7.00 and 7.10 for MS-DOS.

Interrupt 10 hex, with function 10 hex and subfunction 03 hex, can be
used to toggle the blink/intensity bit on the video card. This
determines whether the most-significant bit of the character attribute
selects a blinking or intensified display. The default is for this bit
to signify intensified display.

After this interrupt has been called, anything displayed in colors 0
through 7 is displayed normally, but anything displayed in colors 8
through 15 is displayed blinking. This is because colors 8 through 15
have the most-significant bit of the character attribute set.

The registers to load for the interrupt call are as follows:

   Interrupt 10 hex
   AH = 10 hex
   AL = 03 hex
   BL = 0 = enable intensity (turns off blinking)
        1 = enable blinking  (turns off intensity)

Running the following program, BLINK.BAS, enables and disables
blinking characters:

REM $INCLUDE: 'qb.bi'
' For BC.EXE and QBX.EXE in PDS 7.00 or 7.10, use the include file 'QBX.BI'

DIM inregs AS regtype
DIM outregs AS regtype
FOR x% = 1 TO 15
   COLOR x%
   PRINT "this is color: "; x%
LOCATE 24, 1
PRINT "Press any key to enable blinking";
inregs.ax = &H1003
inregs.bx = 1
CALL interrupt(&H10, inregs, outregs)
LOCATE 24, 1
PRINT "Press any key to turn off blinking";
inregs.ax = &H1003
inregs.bx = 0
CALL interrupt(&H10, inregs, outregs)

Compile and link with Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00, 4.00b, and 4.50 or
with Microsoft BASIC Compiler 6.00 and 6.00b as follows:

   BC Blink.bas;
   LINK Blink.bas,,,BRUNxx.Lib+QB.Lib;

The "xx" in the library name is for the current version of the product
you are using (40, 41, 45, 60, or 61). For Microsoft BASIC Compiler
6.00 and 6.00b, use BRUNxxER.Lib (emulation math package) or
BRUNxxAR.Lib (alternate math package). For the alternate math library,
you must compile with the BC /FPa switch. If you compile with BC /O,
link with BCOMxx.LIB instead of BRUNxx.LIB.

To run this program in the QB.EXE environment, you must load the Quick
library QB.QLB: QB /L QB.QLB.

For BASIC PDS 7.00 or 7.10, compile and link as follows:

   BC Blink.bas;
   LINK Blink.bas,,,BRT70ENR.Lib+QBX.Lib;

The above example is for the math emulation, near strings, and real
mode run-time library. The other possible run-time libraries and their
corresponding compiler switches are as follows:

   Library Name   Compiler Switches     Comments
   ------------   -----------------     --------

   BRT70ENR.LIB   [The default mode]    Emulation math, near strings
   BRT70ANR.LIB   /FPa                  Alternate math, near strings
   BRT70EFR.LIB        /Fs              Emulation math, far strings
   BRT70AFR.LIB   /FPa /Fs              Alternate math, far strings

To use stand-alone libraries, use BCL70xxx.Lib instead of
BRT70xxx.Lib and add the compiler switch BC /O.

For the QBX.EXE 7.00 or 7.10 environment, use QBX.QLB: QBX /L QBX.QLB.

Note: This interrupt can be used to accomplish the same effect in
SCREEN 0. Usually this in not needed because the COLOR statement can
be used to control the intensity and blinking. However, if a program
is directly accessing the hardware (through POKE, for example), this
interrupt might be needed. This will have no effect for video cards
that are NOT in a color mode (for example, MODE CO80). For example, if
a program is running on a dual-monitor system (Hercules and VGA) and
the current mode is monochrome, this interrupt will not affect the
color card.