Q51293: BASIC Program to Tell If Expanded Memory Driver Is Resident

Article: Q51293
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 6.00 6.00b 7.00
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | B_QuickBas | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 26-FEB-1990

The following program shows how to determine if an expanded memory
driver [or Expanded Memory Manager (EMM)] is loaded under MS-DOS. This
program can be used either in the QuickBASIC editor or in an .EXE
program created with the BC.EXE BASIC compiler under MS-DOS. This
program also determines the amount of available expanded memory and
the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) specification version number of the
EMS (Expanded Memory Specification) driver. For more information,
refer to Pages 204-206 in "Advanced MS-DOS Programming, 2nd Edition"
by Ray Duncan (Microsoft Press, 1988).

This information applies to Microsoft QuickBASIC Versions 4.00, 4.00b,
and 4.50 for MS-DOS, to Microsoft BASIC Compiler Versions 6.00 and
6.00b for MS-DOS, and to Microsoft BASIC Professional Development
System (PDS) Version 7.00 for MS-DOS.

Note that Microsoft BASIC PDS 7.00 introduces support for LIM 4.0 EMS
(Expanded Memory Specification) for the following features: ISAM file
buffers, the QBX.EXE editor environment, and LINK overlays at run
time. Microsoft BASIC Compiler Versions 6.00b and earlier and
QuickBASIC Versions 4.50 and earlier don't support expanded memory,
ISAM, or LINK overlays.

If an EMM driver is loaded, it is hooked to Interrupt 67 hex. This
means that the address stored in the interrupt vector table for
interrupt 67 hex points to the beginning of the driver. The device
name for an Expanded Memory Manager driver must be "EMMXXXX0". This
device name is located 0A hex bytes into the device header. This name
can be checked to determine if a legitimate driver has been loaded. If
this name is not found, you can assume that no expanded memory support
is available.

The strategy used in the program below is to use the DOS service
(Interrupt 21 hex, function 35 hex) to get the address of the driver
and then check the driver header found at that address for the correct
name. Once the program determines that an expanded memory driver is
available, it can access the driver through interrupt 67 hex, with
functions 42 hex and 46 hex, to obtain the amount of expanded memory
and LIM version numbers, respectively. The code example below
illustrates one method for accomplishing this in Microsoft BASIC.

For more information about how to use INTERRUPT or INTERRUPTX to
access a DOS interrupt, ROM BIOS interrupt, or any other interrupt
service, query for a separate article with the following word: QB4INT

For more information about the interrupts necessary to access LIM EMS,
see Pages 25-68 of "MS-DOS Extensions: Programmer's Quick Reference,"
by Ray Duncan (Microsoft Press, 1989).

Sample Program

'----------------------------- EXPCHK.BAS --------------------------
'   This program determines if an Expanded Memory Driver is loaded,
'   displays the amount of available expanded memory, raw page
'   size, EMM driver status, and the version number of the
'   Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification.

'$INCLUDE: ''QBX.BI'              'Data Declarations for CALL INTERRUPT(X)
DIM InRegsx AS RegTypeX, OutRegsx AS RegTypeX
DIM InRegs AS RegType, OutRegs AS RegType
DIM buffer(0 TO 4) AS INTEGER
'The Expanded Memory Manager is accessed through Interrupt &H67 if
'present. Use the DOS Get Interrupt Vector (interrupt 21 hex, with
'function 35 hex) service to retrieve the address of the device
'driver and then get the device name from there. If the name is found
'to be "EMMXXXX0", then the driver is loaded and calls can be made to

InRegsx.ax = &H3500 + &H67         'DOS Get Interrupt Address Service
InRegsx.ds = -1                    'Retain current DS and ES values
InRegsx.es = -1
CALL INTERRUPTX(&H21, InRegsx, OutRegsx)
EMMDriverSEG = OutRegsx.es         'Segment of INT 67 EMM driver
EMMDriverOFF = OutRegsx.bx         'Offset  of INT 67 EMM driver

index = &HA   'Driver name located at offset &H0A into device header
DO UNTIL LEN(EMMName$) > 7         'Retrieve Device Name (8 chars)
        EMMName$ = EMMName$ + CHR$(PEEK(index))
        index = index + 1

        PRINT TAB(10); "Expanded Memory Available"
        PRINT TAB(10); "No Expanded Memory Driver Loaded"

InRegs.ax = &H4000                'EMM get status function
CALL INTERRUPT(&H67, InRegs, OutRegs)

IF OutRegs.ax < 0 THEN            'Isolate high byte of AX
        highbyte = (OutRegs.ax + 2 ^ 16) \ 256&   'High bit set case
        highbyte = OutRegs.ax \ 256&

IF highbyte = 0 THEN          'Check for error codes in AH
        PRINT TAB(10); "Extended Memory Driver Status: FUNCTIONAL"
        PRINT TAB(10); "Extended Memory Driver Status: NON-FUNCTIONAL"
        PRINT TAB(10); "Error Code: "; OutRegs.ax

InRegs.ax = &H4600                        'EMM get version function
CALL INTERRUPT(&H67, InRegs, OutRegs)
LimVersion$=LEFT$(HEX$(OutRegs.ax),1) + "." + RIGHT$(HEX$(OutRegs.ax),1)
PRINT TAB(10); "LIM Version "; LimVersion$; " Driver Installed"

InRegs.ax = &H4200                  'EMM get number of pages function
CALL INTERRUPT(&H67, InRegs, OutRegs)

IF OutRegs.ax < 0 THEN                      'Isolate high byte of AX
        highbyte = (OutRegs.ax + 2 ^ 16) \ 256&
        highbyte = OutRegs.ax \ 256&

IF highbyte = 0 THEN
        PRINT TAB(10); "Total Number of 16K Pages Available: "; OutRegs.dx
        total& = OutRegs.dx * 16 * 1024& \ 1048576  'Convert to Megabytes
        PRINT TAB(10); "Total Expanded Memory: "; total&; " Megabytes"
        PRINT TAB(10); "Error Determining Number of Expanded Memory Pages"
        PRINT TAB(10); "Error Code: "; OutRegs.ax

DEF SEG                                'Restore original state
IF VAL(LimVersion$) >= 4! THEN  'This only supported LIM 4.0 and later
   InRegsx.ax = &H5900  'EMM Get hardware config (Page Size) function
   InRegsx.es = VARSEG(buffer(0))
   InRegsx.di = VARPTR(buffer(0))
   CALL INTERRUPTX(&H67, InRegsx, OutRegsx)
   IF OutRegsx.ax < 0 THEN
      highbyte = (OutRegsx.ax + 2 ^ 16) \ 256&
      highbyte = OutRegsx.ax \ 256&

   IF highbyte = 0 THEN
      size = buffer(0) * 16& \ 1024  'Convert paragraphs to Kilobytes
      PRINT TAB(10); "Raw Expanded Memory Page Size: "; size; " Kilobytes"
      PRINT TAB(10); "Error in determining Raw Page Size."
      PRINT TAB(10); "Error Code: "; OutRegsx.ax
   PRINT TAB(10); "Raw Expanded Memory Page Size: 16 Kilobytes"