Q61241: C 6.00 README: "Advanced Programming Techniques" Notes

Article: Q61241
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 6.00   | 6.00
Operating System(s): MS-DOS | OS/2
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | docerr fastcall | mspl13_c
Last Modified: 24-JAN-1991

The following information is taken from the C version 6.00 README.DOC

"Advanced Programming Techniques" Notes

   Page    Note
   ----    ----

   36      The Tiny Memory Model

           In the third paragraph, the reference to CRTCOM.OBJ should
           be to CRTCOM.LIB.

   38      Specifying a Memory Model

           At the bottom of the page, the reference to CRTCOM.OBJ
           should be to CRTCOM.LIB.

   99      Preparing for Incremental Linking: The /INCREMENTAL Option

           The first sentence of the second paragraph in this section
           should read: "The /INCREMENTAL (/INC) option prepares a
           .EXE file for incremental linking."

   124     PWB's extmake Syntax

           The Programmer's WorkBench extmake switch referred to in
           this section is now called the build switch. However, the
           syntax for getting information about fully qualified
           filenames is still valid.

           For further information, see the help topic "build."

   348     Calling the OS/2 API

           The second paragraph on Page 349 should read: "Most OS/2
           API functions return 0 if the operation is successful. They
           return an error code if the operation fails. The exception
           to this is Presentation Manager APIs, which return 0 if the
           operation fails. If you are programming under the
           Presentation Manager, use the WinGetLastError function to
           determine the nature of an API function call error."

   352     Family API Functions

           The functions VioGetBuf and VioShowBuf should not be
           included in the list of OS/2 1.10 Family API functions.

   430     The _fastcall Attribute (/Gr Option)

           The list of argument types and their potential register
           assignments should note that far pointers are passed on the

   456     Default Date and Time

           References in this section to the predefined date and time
           macros should be to __DATE__ and __TIME__, rather than
           _DATE_ and _TIME_.