Q63780: Flight Simulator: Ultralight Specifications

Article: Q63780
Product(s): Microsoft Home Games
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 30-JUL-2001


Below are example specifications that will allow you to create an Ultralight
aircraft in Flight Simulator version 4.00 through the Aircraft Designer (Option

  Aspect ratio: 5.8
  Center of Gravity: 85
  Center of Lift: 108
  Dihedral: 2
  Dry Weight: 700
  Frontal Area: 4
  Fuel Capacity: 10
  Gear: retract
  Horizontal Stabilizer Area: 40
  Horizontal Stabilizer Position: 270
  Horsepower: 40
  Propulsion: Prop Power
  Tail Area: 15
  Wing Span: 40
  Winglets: on

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