Q63799: 7.00 UI Toolbox MENU.BAS Correction, Narrow Menu Selectability

Article: Q63799
Product(s): See article
Version(s): 7.00 7.10
Operating System(s): MS-DOS
Keyword(s): ENDUSER | buglist7.00 buglist7.10 | mspl13_basic
Last Modified: 2-NOV-1990

The User Interface (UI) Toolbox provided in Microsoft BASIC
Professional Development System (PDS) versions 7.00 and 7.10
incorrectly allows a mouse cursor to choose a menu option from outside
the confines of a narrow pull-down menu.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft BASIC PDS
versions 7.00 and 7.10 for MS-DOS. The correction is provided below.

To correct this problem, the source code of MENU.BAS can be changed to
correctly choose items in a narrow pull-down menu. Change the
following IF statement found in the SUB MenuDo near the line label
"menuDoShowPullDown:". (When you load MENU.BAS into the QBX.EXE
editor, this label is at line number 650, and the IF statement is
located at line 660.)

Change the following line


in both of the following places:

     IF GloTitle(currMenu).rColItem - GloTitle(currMenu).lColItem _
               < LEN(GloTitle(currMenu).text) THEN
          GloTitle(currMenu).rColItem = GloTitle(currMenu).lColItem _
               + LEN(GloTitle(currMenu).text)
     END IF

Note: The underscore characters (_) above indicate line-continuation
characters. The block IF statement actually appears as three lines in
the original source code of MENU.BAS.

The changed code is as follows:

     IF GloTitle(currMenu).rColItem - GloTitle(currMenu).lColItem _
               < LEN(RTRIM$(GloTitle(currMenu).text)) THEN
          GloTitle(currMenu).rColItem = GloTitle(currMenu).lColItem _
               + LEN(RTRIM$(GloTitle(currMenu).text)
     END IF

To enable correct handling of narrow pull-down menus, this change
should be made and the libraries rebuilt as follows:


     LIB UITB -+MENU;     [Note: UITB.LIB is the library that
                                 GENERAL.BAS outlines how to build.]


The correction in this article is the same as for a different symptom
described in a separate article, where garbage characters appear after
selecting a menu at or to the right of the 64th column. To find this
and other problems with the UI Toolbox, query in this Knowledge Base
on the following words:

   user and interface and toolbox and buglist7.00