Q73407: Using PROTO and INVOKE to Call a C Function from MASM

Article: Q73407
Product(s): Microsoft Macro Assembler
Version(s): MS-DOS:6.0,6.0a,6.0b
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 06-MAY-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM), versions 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0b 


With the Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) version 6.0, the coding for a
procedure call may be simplified by the use of the PROTO and INVOKE directives.
These directives handle many of the details, such as pushing the parameters on
the stack in the correct order, generating the correct external references,
coercing arguments to the correct size, and cleaning up the stack (if required)
after the function terminates.

The two sample programs below illustrate how a C function is called from MASM,
both with and without the PROTO and INVOKE directives. Sample Code 1 calls the C
printf() function using the conventional method of coding. Sample Code 2 shows
the simplified call to the same function through the use of PROTO and INVOKE.


PROTO defines a prototype for a procedure much the way a function prototype
works in C. This is the syntax for PROTO:

     label PROTO [distance] [langtype] [,[parameter]:tag]

The PROTO statement is used by the assembler to check parameter types and
quantity along with indicating the naming convention for the function. Arguments
for the function are indicated by listing the type, and optionally, a parameter
name. For example,

     myfunc PROTO C arg1:SWORD, arg2:SBYTE

This indicates that the function myfunc takes two arguments. The first is a
signed word, the second is a signed byte. If you need a variable argument list,
you use the type VARARG.

INVOKE actually generates the code to call the function. You must have defined
the function previously with either a PROC, an EXTERNDEF, a TYPEDEF, or a PROTO
statement. This is the syntax for INVOKE:

     INVOKE expression [,arguments]

Because the assembler knows what the function is expecting in the way of
arguments and calling convention, it can take the arguments passed in the INVOKE
statement and push them on the stack in the correct order, call the function
using the required function name, and clean up the stack afterwards (if required
by the calling convention used).

If an argument passed by INVOKE is smaller than the type specified in the PROTO
statement, MASM does a type conversion. It widens the argument in the PROTO
statement to match that in the INVOKE statement (for example, SBYTE to SWORD).
These types of conversions use the AX and DX registers on the 8086 and 8088 and
the EAX and EDX registers on the 80386/80486. Because these registers are
effectively overwritten, you should take care to avoid using these registers to
pass arguments.

The language type for the function determines the naming and calling conventions.
In addition to the language type in the PROTO statement, the language type can
be set by the .MODEL directive, the OPTION LANGTYPE:, or by the command line
switches /Gc (for Pascal) and /Gd (for C). There is a table of the various
language conventions provided in Help.

Sample Code 1

  ; Assemble options needed: /MX

            .MODEL small,c             ; The "c" langtype prepends
                                       ; labels with an underscore.
       ;-----for OS/2-------
       ;INCLUDE    OS2.INC

  EXTRN     _acrtused:NEAR
  EXTRN     printf:NEAR

  fmtlist   db     "%s, %d, %lu", 0Ah,0
  string_1  db     "signed byte and unsigned double word", 0
  data_1    db     -2
  data_2    dd     0FFFFFFFFh


  main      PROC
            push   word ptr data_2+2   ; push the high word of data_2
            push   word ptr data_2     ; push the low word of data_2
            mov    al,data_1
            cbw                        ; converts data_1 to a word
            push   ax
            mov    ax,offset string_1  ; load the address of string_1
            push   ax                  ; push the address on the stack
            lea    ax,fmtlist          ; load the address of fmtlist
            push   ax                  ; push the address on the stack
            call   printf              ; call the C library function
            add    sp,0Ah              ; adjust the stackpointer
  main      ENDP

Sample Code 2

  ; Assemble options needed: none

            .MODEL small,c

      ;-----for OS/2--------|
      ;.MODEL small,c,os_os2|
      ;INCLUDELIB OS2.LIB   <---Not needed if "os_os2" indicated. The
      ;INCLUDE    OS2.INC   |   assembler knows to look for os2.lib
      ;---------------------|   in the path set by the lib environment
      ;                     |   variable.

  EXTERNDEF _acrtused:WORD

  printf    PROTO arg1:Ptr Byte, printlist: VARARG

  ;The first argument is a pointer to a string. The second is a keyword
  ; that permits a variable number of arguments.

            .STACK 100h
  fmtlist   BYTE   "%s, %d, %lu", 0Ah,0
  string_1  BYTE   "signed byte and unsigned double word", 0
  data_1    SBYTE  -2
  data_2    DWORD  0FFFFFFFFh

  main      PROC
  INVOKE    printf, ADDR fmtlist, ADDR string_1, data_1, data_2
  main      ENDP

Additional query words: kbinf 6.00 6.00a 6.00b s_c

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbMASMsearch kbAudDeveloper kbMASM600 kbMASM600a kbMASM600b
Version           : MS-DOS:6.0,6.0a,6.0b
