Q75338: Determining Windows Version, Mode from MS-DOS App

Article: Q75338
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kb16bitonly
Last Modified: 06-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1 


The following assembly language code fragment can be used in an MS-DOS- based
application to determine if it is running in a Windows MS-DOS window, and if so,
which version and mode of Windows is running.

  test_win proc near

  ; check for Windows 3.1

      mov     ax,160ah                ; WIN31CHECK
      int     2fh                     ; check if running under Win 3.1.
      or      ax,ax
      jz      RunningUnderWin31       ; can check if running in standard
                                      ; or enhanced mode

  ; check for Windows 3.0 enhanced mode

      mov     ax,1600h                ; WIN386CHECK
      int     2fh
      test    al,7fh
      jnz     RunningUnderWin30Enh    ; enhanced mode

  ; check for 3.0 WINOLDAP

      mov     ax,4680h                ; IS_WINOLDAP_ACTIVE
      int     2fh
      or      ax,ax                   ; running under 3.0 derivative?
      jnz     NotRunningUnderWin

  ; rule out MS-DOS 5.0 task switcher

      mov     ax,4b02h                ; detect switcher
      push    bx
      push    es
      push    di
      xor     bx,bx
      mov     di,bx
      mov     es,bx
      int     2fh
      pop     di
      pop     es
      pop     bx
      or      ax,ax
      jz      NotRunningUnderWin      ; MS-DOS 5.0 task switcher found

  ; check for standard mode Windows 3.0

      mov     ax,1605h                ; PMODE_START
      int     2fh
      cmp     cx,-1
      jz      RunningUnderWin30Std

  ; check for real mode Windows 3.0

      mov     ax,1606h                ; PMODE_STOP
      int     2fh                     ; in case someone is counting
      ; Real mode Windows 3.0 is running
      jmp     NotRunningUnderWin


      ; Standard mode Windows 3.0 is running
      jmp     NotRunningUnderWin


      ; At this point: CX == 3 means Windows 3.1 enhanced mode
      ;                CX == 2 means Windows 3.1 standard mode
      jmp     NotRunningUnderWin


      ; Enhanced mode Windows 3.0 is running



  test_win endp


Applications for Windows should use the GetWinFlags() function to determine
which version of Windows is running. For more information, please see the
following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  Q131371 Determining System Version from a Windows-Based Application

Additional query words: 3.10

Keywords          : kb16bitonly 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbWin3xSearch kbSDKSearch kbWinSDKSearch kbWinSDK310
Version           : WINDOWS:3.1
