Q76103: HOWTO: Guidelines for Allocating Instance (Per-Window) Data

Article: Q76103
Product(s): Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kb16bitonly kbSDKPlatform kbWndw kbWndwProp
Last Modified: 10-JUN-1999

3.00 3.10

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) 3.1 


If an application creates multiple windows of a single window class, that
application must carefully manage data for those windows. Undesired results may
occur when windows share the same global data because modifications of that data
will affect all windows.

If an application has a window that normally relies on global data and the
application creates multiple instances of that window, whatever was kept in
global data must be kept in instanced data. The optimal method is to store a
private data structure in global or local memory and to store a handle to that
memory in the window's so-called "extra" bytes. Alternatively, the window may
store the handle in its property list.

This article discusses the concerns and methods for storing extra data with
windows using both window extra bytes and property lists.


1. Application and Window Instances, Sharing Data

The word "instance" usually refers to a particular copy of an application that is
currently running in the system. The term "instance" means "copy of data"; each
instance of an application has a separate data segment containing global and
static data, the application's stack, and the application's local heap.
Different instances of the same application have only very limited access to
each other's data (through the use of the GetInstanceData function).

Every window is an "instance" of a particular window class. A window is
represented by a data structure allocated from USER's local heap (identified by
hWnd) that contains information specific to that window, such as its window
style, and a pointer to its window procedure. Since multiple windows of the same
class may reside in the same application instance and share the same window
procedure, those windows freely share all global data in the application's data
segment. Therefore, a particular window should never depend on a global

Consider a case in a text editing program based on the Windows Multiple Document
Interface (MDI) where each MDI child window maintains information about the file
being edited in that window. If each window uses the same global variables to
store page numbers, file names, and text length, only one window would display
correct information. As soon as the user loads another file or performs an
operation that changes any global variable, all windows are affected. The
effects may not be apparent until a repaint occurs on the other windows, making
the problem extremely difficult to track down. To avoid this situation, keep any
window-specific data separately attached to each window class, isolating that
data. Such data may be stored either in window extra bytes or property lists.
The most efficient and fastest method is to allocate extra memory for data, and
store that memory handle in window extra bytes. Property lists are most useful
when dealing with preregistered window classes or with temporary data.

2. Window Extra Bytes and Extra Allocations

An application specifies window extra bytes for a class in the cbWndExtra field
of the WNDCLASS structure prior to calling the RegisterClass function. Windows
allocates these bytes from USER's local heap in addition to the window's data
structure. An application reads these extra bytes with the GetWindowWord and
GetWindowLong functions and modifies them with the SetWindowWord and
SetWindowLong functions.

Extra bytes are a very scarce resource because they reside in USER's local heap,
and therefore reduce available system resources. Always minimize an
application's use of window extra bytes as much as possible.

There is a myth that the GetWindowWord and GetWindowLong calls are extremely
fast, which serves as an excuse to use a large number of window extra bytes.
While these functions are highly optimized, they still need to perform necessary
checks on the window handle and trap special cases. They do more than a simple
lookup in USER's heap, and both require a far call. Only when an application
requires a single WORD or DWORD should it store that data directly in extra

The most efficient method for allocating more than 4 extra bytes is to declare a
single HANDLE in the window's extra bytes, allocate an additional data structure
when creating the window, and store that handle in the window extra bytes. This
method minimizes the use of extra bytes and provides very fast access to the
entire data structure. If the data is allocated as local FIXED memory, there is
no need to even lock the data before using it.

The best time to allocate this memory is while processing the WM_NCCREATE
message; a window receives this message only once, very soon after creation. The
code to perform this allocation might resemble the following:

     case WM_NCCREATE:

         pExtraData=(typecast)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbData);
         SetWindowWord(hWnd, 0, (WORD)pExtraData);

Here, cbData is the number of bytes in the extra data structure, and the LPTR
parameter to the LocalAlloc function specifies the LMEM_FIXED and LMEM_ZEROINIT
flags. Use the number 0 as the index for the SetWindowWord call because 0
references the start of the extra bytes. Note also that (typecast) is a
placeholder for the appropriate pointer type of the data structure.

The best time to free this memory is while processing the WM_NCDESTROY message.
The code to perform this step might resemble the following:

     case WM_NCDESTROY:
          pExtraData=GetWindowWord(hWnd, 0);

          if ((typecast)NULL!=pExtraData)
              //Clean out the old handle.
              SetWindowWord(hWnd, 0, 0);

2.1 Using Extra Data in the Window Procedure

To access the extra data stored in separately allocated memory, a window must
retrieve a pointer to the data before processing any message that requires that

If the application allocated memory as LMEM_FIXED, retrieving a pointer to the
extra data structure requires only a single call to GetWindowWord, as follows:

     pExtraData=(typecast)GetWindowWord(hWnd, 0);

From this point on, accessing ANY field in the data structure is extremely fast
because it requires only a dereference operation on the pointer. The following
is a sample reference of the extra data:

     if (0==pExtraData->cMouseMoves)


The main advantage of this method over extended use of window extra bytes is that
it uses only a single call to GetWindowWord and SetWindowWord functions to read
and write ANY data in the entire data structure. Many calls to the GetWindowWord
and SetWindowWord functions are necessary if this structure was stored entirely
in extra bytes (unless the structure itself is only 2 bytes long).

In addition, maintaining the data structure is much easier when it is defined as
a C structure and not as a large group of offsets for the GetWindowWord and
SetWindowWord functions. Maintaining offsets requires carefully defining
constants based on the sizes of the data types involved, and defining reasonably
symbolic names to keep the source code readable. Defining a C structure is much
easier and lets the C compiler determine the size of each field.

2.2 Local Versus Global Memory

Local memory from the application's heap is best suited for the purposes of
instanced data, unless heap space is already a scarce commodity. Local
allocations are very inexpensive as far as system memory is concerned. In
addition, handles to local memory allocated with LMEM_FIXED are directly usable
as near pointers.

In Windows version 3.x, each global allocation (through the GlobalAlloc function)
uses a selector from the local descriptor table (LDT). Only 8192 are selectors
available in Windows version 3.x enhanced mode and only 4096 are available in
Windows 3.x standard mode. If an application creates hundreds of instances of a
window that allocates a global segment, it will unnecessarily deplete the number
of free selectors available to all applications in the system. For more
information on using selectors, please query on the following words in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  prod(winsdk) and protect mode and handle limits

An application can conserve global handles by allocating a large block of memory
and performing local allocations within the block. This technique, known as
multiple FAR heaps, is described in Chapter 18 of the book titled "Windows 3.0
Power Programming Techniques" by Paul Yao and Peter Norton (Bantam Computer
Books). Another good reference is the article "Improve Windows-Based App's
Memory Use with Subsegment Allocation and Custom Resources" in the January 1991
issue of the "Microsoft Systems Journal" (volume 6, number 1).

3. Properties

Properties allow an application to attach extra data to ANY window and do not
require the application to process any messages for that window or modify the
window's data in any way. An application attaches, retrieves, and deletes
properties through the SetProp, GetProp, and RemoveProp functions,

Properties are most useful when an application needs to attach data to any of
Windows's predefined classes, such as dialog boxes and controls, because such
windows have no extra bytes available for application use. Properties are also
very useful for temporary data that needs to be attached to a window for only a
portion of that window's lifetime.

Using properties is relatively slow and has the added penalty that each property
is limited to a WORD (which is very inconvenient for large structures). They
also use space in the USER's local heap, and therefore consume valuable system
resources. Follow the same guidelines for properties as for windows extra bytes,
that is, allocate extra memory and store the handle as a single property.

If the application may use extensive properties for dialog boxes or standard
Windows controls, consider one of the following alternatives.

3.1 Alternatives to Property Lists for Dialog Boxes

If an application needs to attach data to a dialog box, consider using a private
dialog class. The application registers this class and provides a window
procedure similar to the way it would for any other type of application-specific
window. A private dialog class requires at least DLGWINDOWEXTRA window extra
bytes; the application must add DLGWINDOWEXTRA to any additional space for a
memory handle. The extra memory can be allocated and freed using the same
messages described in Section 2 above. Note that the offset of the memory handle
for the GetWindowWord and SetWindowWord functions is DLGWINDOWEXTRA instead of 0

For more information on private dialog classes, please query on the following
words in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

  prod(winsdk) and defdlgproc

3.2 Alternatives to Property Lists for Predefined Control Windows

Most of Windows's predefined controls already use some number of window extra
bytes however they do not reserve any space for application-specific use. An
application can, however, create a superclass and specify space for a HANDLE to
extra data.

Superclassing is the process of retrieving a window's class information,
modifying the appropriate fields, and registering the new class under a
different name. The following six steps are involved in this process:

1. Call the GetClassInfo function using the hWnd of an existing window of the
  class to superclass. This fills a WNDCLASS structure with information for
  that class.

2. Change the hInstance field of the WNDCLASS structure to thehInstance of the

3. Save the old lpfnWndProc value and store the address of the superclass
  procedure in that field. Class extra bytes are a suitable place to save the
  old value. Pass all messages not processed by the superclass procedure to
  this original lpfnWndProc and be sure to export the superclass procedure.

4. Save the value of cbWndExtra (again, class extra bytes are suitable for this
  purpose) and add sizeof(HANDLE) to that field. Do NOT simply store
  sizeof(HANDLE) or the control will break. The superclass MUST use the
  existing value of cbWndExtra as the offset to GetWindowWord and SetWindowWord
  functions when manipulating the extra memory handle.

5. Change the class name to something unique. Windows will not reregister a
  class if one already exists by that name.

6. Call the RegisterClass function with the new WNDCLASS structure.

Allocate extra memory for windows of this superclass using the same method
described above in Section 2.

Additional query words: 3.00 3.10

Keywords          : kb16bitonly kbSDKPlatform kbWndw kbWndwProp 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbWin3xSearch kbSDKSearch kbWinSDKSearch kbWinSDK310
Version           : WINDOWS:3.1
Issue type        : kbhowto
