Q86446: Equivalent Values for Genigraphics Colors: RGB

Article: Q86446
Product(s): Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows
Version(s): WINDOWS:2.0,3.0,4.0,4.0a,4.0c,7.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbgraphic kbusage
Last Modified: 15-APR-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows 95, version 7.0 
- Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows, versions 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0a, 4.0c 


Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows ships with a table of predefined colors called
the Genigraphics color palette. These colors are the ones most commonly used in
PowerPoint. Like all colors in PowerPoint, they are represented internally by
RGB (red, green, blue) values that can range from zero through 65,535.

Most other Windows-based applications represent RGB values as a range from zero
through 255 or as a percentage. The following table provides the approximate
conversion of the PowerPoint RGB values to the more standard representations.
The table includes all the predefined Genigraphics colors as well as the
standard VGA pure colors.


PowerPoint 7.0

  VGA         WIN  WIN  WIN       %      %      %
  Colors      Red  Grn  Blu     Red    Grn    Blu
  ---------   ---  ---  ---    ----   ----   ----

  White       255  255  255    100%   100%   100%
  Black         0    0    0      0%     0%     0%
  Red         255    0    0    100%     0%     0%
  Green         0  255    0      0%   100%     0%
  Blue          0    0  255      0%     0%   100%
  Cyan          0  255  255      0%   100%   100%
  Magenta     255    0  255    100%     0%   100%
  Yellow      255  255    0    100%   100%     0%
  Dk Grey     127  127  127     50%    50%    50%
  Lt Grey     191  191  191     75%    75%    75%
  Dk Red      127    0    0     50%     0%     0%
  Dk Green      0  127    0      0%    50%     0%
  Dk Blue       0    0  127      0%     0%    50%
  Teal          0  127  127      0%    50%    50%
  Purple      127    0  127     50%     0%    50%
  Tan         127  127    0     50%    50%     0%

  Geni.       WIN   WIN   WIN       %     %     %
  Colors      Red   Grn   Blu     Red   Grn   Blu
  ---------   ---   ---   ---    ----  ----  ----
  GY8          65    65    65     26%   26%   26%
  GY7         218   218   218     85%   85%   85%
  GY6         206   206   206     81%   81%   81%
  GY5         145   145   145     57%   57%   57%
  GY4         103   103   103     40%   40%   40%
  GY3          71    71    71     28%   28%   28%
  GY2          51    51    51     20%   20%   20%
  GY1          35    35    35     14%   14%   14%

  RD8         252     1    40     99%    0%   16%
  RD7         255   197   207    100%   77%   81%
  RD6         253   164   181     99%   64%   71%
  RD5         247   102   129     97%   40%   50%
  RD4         229    64    93     90%   25%   36%
  RD3         207    14    48     81%    6%   19%
  RD2         121     0    21     48%    0%    8%
  RD1          63     0    11     25%    0%    4%

  OR8         255    80     8    100%   32%    3%
  OR7         252   209   193     99%   82%   76%
  OR6         255   162   124    100%   64%   49%
  OR5         245   123    73     96%   48%   29%
  OR4         243    91    27     95%   36%   11%
  OR3         188    55     0     74%   22%    0%
  OR2         113    32     0     44%   13%    0%
  OR1          62    20     3     24%    8%    1%

  YO8         254   155     3    100%   61%    1%
  YO7         253   227   186     99%   89%   73%
  YO6         246   191   105     96%   75%   41%
  YO5         239   145     0     94%   57%    0%
  YO4         173   105     0     68%   41%    0%
  YO3         113    68     0     44%   27%    0%
  YO2          76    46     0     30%   18%    0%
  YO1          55    32     0     22%   13%    0%

  YW8         250   253     0     98%   99%    0%
  YW7         252   254   185     99%  100%   72%
  YW6         234   236    94     92%   92%   37%
  YW5         179   185     0     70%   72%    0%
  YW4         118   121     0     46%   48%    0%
  YW3          78    79     0     31%   31%    0%
  YW2          58    60     0     23%   24%    0%
  YW1          40    41     0     16%   16%    0%

  YG8         127   255     0     50%  100%    0%
  YG7         219   255   184     86%  100%   72%
  YG6         163   242    95     64%   95%   37%
  YG5          96   201     0     38%   79%    0%
  YG4          67   142     0     26%   56%    0%
  YG3          49   101     1     19%   40%    0%
  YG2          31    67     0     12%   26%    0%
  YG1          24    52     0     10%   20%    0%

  GN8           0   255     0      0%  100%    0%
  GN7         200   254   200     78%  100%   78%
  GN6         162   255   163     64%  100%   64%
  GN5          81   220     0     32%   86%    0%
  GN4           0   174     0      0%   68%    0%
  GN3           3   124     3      1%   49%    1%
  GN2           0    84     0      0%   33%    0%
  GN1           0    62     0      0%   24%    0%

  BG8           0   223   202      0%   87%   79%
  BG7         192   254   249     75%  100%   98%
  BG6         140   244   234     55%   96%   92%
  BG5           0   183   165      0%   72%   65%
  BG4           0   150   136      0%   59%   53%
  BG3           0   107    97      0%   42%   38%
  BG2           0    78    71      0%   31%   28%
  BG1           0    53    48      0%   21%   19%

  BU8          17    79   251      7%   31%   98%
  BU7         193   206   255     76%   81%  100%
  BU6         162   193   254     64%   76%  100%
  BU5          97   143   253     38%   56%   99%
  BU4          51   101   251     20%   40%   98%
  BU3           6    61   232      2%   24%   91%
  BU2           0    39   159      0%   16%   62%
  BU1           8    29    88      3%   12%   34%

  VT8         137     1   243     54%    0%   95%
  VT7         227   190   255     89%   74%  100%
  VT6         212   159   255     83%   62%  100%
  VT5         183    96   249     72%   38%   98%
  VT4         146    52   219     57%   20%   86%
  VT3         123     0   228     48%    0%   89%
  VT2          80     0   147     32%    0%   58%
  VT1          40     0    73     16%    0%   29%

  RV8         220     0   129     86%    0%   50%
  RV7         253   192   229     99%   75%   90%
  RV6         243   159   209     95%   62%   82%
  RV5         249    90   183     98%   35%   72%
  RV4         217    49   146     85%   19%   57%
  RV3         181     0   105     71%    0%   41%
  RV2         110     0    67     43%    0%   26%
  RV1          60     0    35     24%    0%   14%

PowerPoint 2.0, 3.0, 4.0

  VGA         PPT     PPT    PPT     WIN   WIN   WIN       %     %      %
  Colors      Red     Grn    Blu     Red   Grn   Blu     Red   Grn    Blu
  ---------  -----   -----  -----    ---   ---   ---    ----  ----   ----

  White      65535   65535  65535    255   255   255    100%  100%   100%
  Black          0       0      0      0     0     0      0%    0%     0%
  Red        65535       0      0    255     0     0    100%    0%     0%
  Green          0   65535      0      0   255     0      0%  100%     0%
  Blue           0       0  65535      0     0   255      0%    0%   100%
  Cyan           0   65535  65535      0   255   255      0%  100%   100%
  Magenta    65535       0  65535    255     0   255    100%    0%   100%
  Yellow     65535   65535      0    255   255     0    100%  100%     0%
  Dk Grey    32767   32767  32767    127   127   127     50%   50%    50%
  Lt Grey    49151   49151  49151    191   191   191     75%   75%    75%
  Dk Red     32767       0      0    127     0     0     50%    0%     0%
  Dk Green       0   32767      0      0   127     0      0%   50%     0%
  Dk Blue        0       0  32767      0     0   127      0%    0%    50%
  Teal           0   32767  32767      0   127   127      0%   50%    50%
  Purple     32767       0  32767    127     0   127     50%    0%    50%
  Tan        32767   32767      0    127   127     0     50%   50%     0%

  Geni.       PPT     PPT    PPT     WIN   WIN   WIN      %     %      %
  Colors      Red     Grn    Blu     Red   Grn   Blu     Red   Grn    Blu
  ---------  -----   -----  -----    ---   ---   ---    ----  ----   ----
  GY8        16777   16777  16777     65    65    65     26%   26%    26%
  GY7        55836   55836  55836    218   218   218     85%   85%    85%
  GY6        52952   52952  52952    206   206   206     81%   81%    81%
  GY5        37224   37224  37224    145   145   145     57%   57%    57%
  GY4        26426   26426  26426    103   103   103     40%   40%    40%
  GY3        18350   18350  18350     71    71    71     28%   28%    28%
  GY2        13107   13107  13107     51    51    51     20%   20%    20%
  GY1         9175    9175   9175     35    35    35     14%   14%    14%

  RD8        64748     262  10486    252     1    40     99%    0%    16%
  RD7        65535   50593  53214    255   197   207    100%   77%    81%
  RD6        65010   42204  46399    253   164   181     99%   64%    71%
  RD5        63438   26214  33029    247   102   129     97%   40%    50%
  RD4        58719   16515  23855    229    64    93     90%   25%    36%
  RD3        53214    3670  12321    207    14    48     81%    6%    19%
  RD2        31195       0   5505    121     0    21     48%    0%     8%
  RD1        16253       0   2884     63     0    11     25%    0%     4%

  OR8        65535   20709   2097    255    80     8    100%   32%     3%
  OR7        64748   53738  49544    252   209   193     99%   82%    76%
  OR6        65535   41680  31981    255   162   124    100%   64%    49%
  OR5        62913   31719  18874    245   123    73     96%   48%    29%
  OR4        62389   23330   7078    243    91    27     95%   36%    11%
  OR3        48234   14155      0    188    55     0     74%   22%     0%
  OR2        29097    8388      0    113    32     0     44%   13%     0%
  OR1        15990    5243    786     62    20     3     24%    8%     1%

  YO8        65273   39845    786    254   155     3    100%   61%     1%
  YO7        65010   58195  47709    253   227   186     99%   89%    73%
  YO6        63175   49020  27000    246   191   105     96%   75%    41%
  YO5        61340   37224      0    239   145     0     94%   57%     0%
  YO4        44301   27000      0    173   105     0     68%   41%     0%
  YO3        29097   17563      0    113    68     0     44%   27%     0%
  YO2        19660   11796      0     76    46     0     30%   18%     0%
  YO1        14155    8338      0     55    32     0     22%   13%     0%

  YW8        64224   65010      0    250   253     0     98%   99%     0%
  YW7        64748   65273  47447    252   254   185     99%  100%    72%
  YW6        60030   60554  24117    234   236    94     92%   92%    37%
  YW5        45874   47447      0    179   185     0     70%   72%     0%
  YW4        30408   31195      0    118   121     0     46%   48%     0%
  YW3        20185   20447      0     78    79     0     31%   31%     0%
  YW2        14942   15466      0     58    60     0     23%   24%     0%
  YW1        10486   10748      0     40    41     0     16%   16%     0%

  YG8        32767   65535      0    127   255     0     50%  100%     0%
  YG7        56098   65535  47185    219   255   184     86%  100%    72%
  YG6        41942   62127  24379    163   242    95     64%   95%    37%
  YG5        24641   51641      0     96   201     0     38%   79%     0%
  YG4        17301   36437      0     67   142     0     26%   56%     0%
  YG3        12583   25952    262     49   101     1     19%   40%     0%
  YG2         8126   17301      0     31    67     0     12%   26%     0%
  YG1         6291   13369      0     24    52     0     10%   20%     0%

  GN8            0   65535      1      0   255     0      0%  100%     0%
  GN7        51379   65273  51379    200   254   200     78%  100%    78%
  GN6        41680   65535  41942    162   255   163     64%  100%    64%
  GN5        20971   56360      0     81   220     0     32%   86%     0%
  GN4            0   44564      0      0   174     0      0%   68%     0%
  GN3          786   31981    786      3   124     3      1%   49%     1%
  GN2            0   21758      0      0    84     0      0%   33%     0%
  GN1            0   15990      0      0    62     0      0%   24%     0%

  BG8            0   57146  51903      0   223   202      0%   87%    79%
  BG7        49282   65273  63962    192   254   249     75%  100%    98%
  BG6        35913   62651  60030    140   244   234     55%   96%    92%
  BG5            0   46923  42466      0   183   165      0%   72%    65%
  BG4            0   38534  34864      0   150   136      0%   59%    53%
  BG3            0   27525  24903      0   107    97      0%   42%    38%
  BG2            0   20185  18350      0    78    71      0%   31%    28%
  BG1            0   13631  12321      0    53    48      0%   21%    19%

  BU8         4456   20447  64486     17    79   251      7%   31%    98%
  BU7        49544   52952  65535    193   206   255     76%   81%   100%
  BU6        41680   49544  65273    162   193   254     64%   76%   100%
  BU5        24903   36699  65010     97   143   253     38%   56%    99%
  BU4        13107   25952  64486     51   101   251     20%   40%    98%
  BU3         1573   15728  59506      6    61   232      2%   24%    91%
  BU2            0   10233  40894      0    39   159      0%   16%    62%
  BU1         2097    7602  22544      8    29    88      3%   12%    34%

  VT8        35127     262  62389    137     1   243     54%    0%    95%
  VT7        58195   48758  65535    227   190   255     89%   74%   100%
  VT6        54525   40894  65535    212   159   255     83%   62%   100%
  VT5        46923   24641  63962    183    96   249     72%   38%    98%
  VT4        37486   13369  56098    146    52   219     57%   20%    86%
  VT3        31719       0  58457    123     0   228     48%    0%    89%
  VT2        20709       0  37748     80     0   147     32%    0%    58%
  VT1        10486       0  18874     40     0    73     16%    0%    29%

  RV8        56360       0  33029    220     0   129     86%    0%    50%
  RV7        65010   49282  58719    253   192   229     99%   75%    90%
  RV6        62389   40894  53738    243   159   209     95%   62%    82%
  RV5        63962   23068  46923    249    90   183     98%   35%    72%
  RV4        55573   12583  37486    217    49   146     85%   19%    57%
  RV3        46399       0  27000    181     0   105     71%    0%    41%
  RV2        28311       0  17301    110     0    67     43%    0%    26%
  RV1        15466       0   9175     60     0    35     24%    0%    14%

Additional query words: 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.00a 4.00c 7.00 ppt95 winppt macppt

Keywords          : kbgraphic kbusage 
Technology        : kbPowerPtSearch kbPowerPt700 kbZNotKeyword2 kbPowerPt700Search kbPowerPt400 kbPowerPt200 kbPowerPt300 kbPowerPt400c kbPowerPt400a
Version           : WINDOWS:2.0,3.0,4.0,4.0a,4.0c,7.0
