Q95821: CD Audio Err Msg: No CD-ROM Drive Is Detected…

Article: Q95821
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbfaq
Last Modified: 08-NOV-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Multimedia Beethoven for Windows, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Multimedia Mozart for Windows, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Multimedia Stravinsky for Windows, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Multimedia Schubert for Windows, version 1.0 
- Microsoft Multimedia Strauss for Windows, version 1.0 


You may receive the following message in Microsoft Windows 3.x when you run one
of applications listed at the top of this article:

  No CD-ROM drive is detected. Make sure your CD-ROM drive is turned on and the
  Multimedia <Composer Title> disc is in the drive.

  Click 'Retry' to try again, click 'Continue' to proceed without the CD-ROM
  disc, or click 'Exit' to leave Multimedia <Composer Title>.

where <Composer Title> is the name of the CD-ROM application, for example

Under Windows 95, you may receive the following message instead:

  The correct CD must be in drive D: to continue. Choosing cancel will exit the


This message may be caused by one of the following:

1. The CD-ROM drive may be turned off or the multimedia CD may not be in the
  drive. Make sure the CD-ROM drive is turned on.

2. The [MCI] CD Audio driver may not be installed in the Drivers section of the
  Control Panel. Install the [MCI] CD Audio driver in the Control Panel if it
  is not installed.

3. The CD may be dirty or physically damaged. Clean the disc with a soft cloth.
  If the disc is physically damaged, it will need to be replaced.

4. You have another application open (such as Media Player) that uses the
  CD-Audio driver (set to CD-Audio), or any Windows CD player running such as
  Music Box, which comes with Microsoft Windows Sound System.

5. The CD is not in the first available CD-ROM drive.

Additional query words: error multimedia multi-media multi media mediaplayer soundsystem musicbox wss

Keywords          :  kbfaq
Technology        : kbHomeProdSearch kbHomeMMsearch kbZNotKeyword kbMMStrauss kbMMSchubert kbMMStravinsky kbMMMozart100 kbMMBeethoven100
