Q98745: How to Emulate a READ Inside Another READ

Article: Q98745
Product(s): Microsoft Fox Miscellaneous Products
Version(s): MACINTOSH:2.01
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 23-OCT-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft FoxBASE+ for Macintosh, version 2.01 


The code example below shows one method of emulating a READ inside a READ.
Occasionally, you may need to bring up a new screen with GETs or a new GET field
dependent upon the information entered in the original GET. Because FoxBASE+/Mac
does not allow nested READs, the original READ must be terminated before a new
GET with a READ is issued.


RISK. Microsoft provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of
merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

Code Example

     *This is an example of how to create a READ inside a READ.
     SET PROCEDURE TO readread && This file is named READREAD.PRG.
     SET TALK Off
     SET BELL Off
     * Create memory variable for the GETs.
     STORE space(10) to b,c,d
     STORE 0 to a
     * Create two public variables, one that will act as a flag
     * to terminate the read and execute the "multiple read," and
     * the other that will contain the information input for the
     * GET inside the second READ.
     Store .F. to flag
     Store Space(10) to mvar

     DO WHILE .T.
       SCREEN 1 TYPE 0 HEADING "This is it!" AT 20,2 SIZE 286,492;
         PIXELS FONT "Geneva",12 COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1 TOP
       @ PIXELS 72,122 GET a PICTURE "@^ First;Second;Third";
          VALID udf(a)
       @ PIXELS 72,89 SAY "A" STYLE 0 FONT "Helvetica",270;
          COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
       @ PIXELS 108,98 SAY "B" STYLE 0 FONT "Helvetica",270;
          COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
       @ PIXELS 153,116 SAY "C" STYLE 0 FONT "Helvetica",270;
          COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
       @ PIXELS 189,134 SAY "D" STYLE 0 FONT "Helvetica",270;
          COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
       * There is nothing in it now so it will appear blank. The
       * information will appear after input and the call to the UDF
       * procedure is complete.
       @ PIXELS 108,145 SAY mvar STYLE 0 FONT "Helvetica",14;
          SIZE 14,121 COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
       @ PIXELS 153,158 GET c STYLE 0 FONT "Helvetica",14;
          SIZE 14,121 COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
       @ PIXELS 189,173 GET d STYLE 0 FONT "Helvetica",14;
          SIZE 14,121 COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
       * This must be in the loop so it will come back to the READ
       * when it is done.
       IF Flag
         DO inside

     * This is the procedure called upon from the popup menu.
     PROCEDURE udf
     PARAMETER pram
       DO CASE
       * This portion of the code needs to be modified. This is
       * just a shell of what must be used. The two commands
       * (STORE and KEYBOARD) must be present.
       CASE a=1
         STORE .T. to Flag      && Set flag to true.
         KEYBOARD CHR(23)       && Cause the READ to terminate.
       CASE a=2
         STORE .T. to Flag      && Set flag to true.
         KEYBOARD CHR(23)       && Cause the READ to terminate.
       CASE a=3
         STORE .T. to Flag      && Set flag to true.
         KEYBOARD CHR(23)       && Cause the READ to terminate.
     RETURN .T.                 && Return to the DO loop.

     * This is the procedure that emulates a READ inside a READ.
     PROCEDURE inside
       @ PIXELS 108,145 GET mvar STYLE 0 FONT "Helvetica",14;
          SIZE 14,121 COLOR 0,0,0,-1,-1,-1
       STORE .F. to flag    && Make flag false again to not come back
                            && to this procedure.
       KEYBOARD CHR(9)      && TAB to the next field.
       RETURN               && Return to the DO WHILE...ENDDO loop.
     *End program.

Additional query words: 2.01

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbHWMAC kbOSMAC kbAudDeveloper kbFoxproSearch kbFoxBASE201Mac kbFoxBASESearch
Version           : MACINTOSH:2.01
