Q102149: CodeView Debugger Function Keys List

Article: Q102149
Product(s): Microsoft Programming Utilities
Version(s): 4.0,4.01,4.05,4.1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kb16bitonly kbCodeView kbDebug kbVC
Last Modified: 26-JUN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft CodeView for MS-DOS, versions 4.0, 4.01, 4.05, 4.1 
- Microsoft CodeView for Windows, versions 4.0, 4.01, 4.1 

The text below lists the function keys the Microsoft CodeView debugger

Moving with the Keyboard

  Action                                  Key Combination
  Move cursor up, down, left, right       UP ARROW, DOWN ARROW,

  Move cursor by words left and right     CTRL+LEFT, CTRL+RIGHT
  Move cursor to beginning of line        HOME
  Move cursor to end of line              END

  Page up and down                        PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN
  Page left and right                     CTRL+PAGE UP,
                                            CTRL+PAGE DOWN

  Move cursor to beginning of window      CTRL+HOME
  Move cursor to end of window            CTRL+END
  Move to next window                     F6
  Move to previous window                 SHIFT+F6
  Restore window                          CTRL+F5
  Move window                             CTRL+F7
  Size window                             CTRL+F8
  Minimize window                         CTRL+F9
  Maximize window                         CTRL+F10
  Close window                            CTRL+F4
  Tile windows                            SHIFT+F5
  Change to mixed source/assembly mode    F3
  Set a breakpoint at the location        F9

  Active Window  Action
  Locals         Displays Locals     Window Options   CTRL+O
  Source 1       Displays Source 1   Window Options   CTRL+O
  Source 2       Displays Source 2   Window Options   CTRL+O
  Memory 1       Displays Memory 1   Window Options   CTRL+O
  Memory 2       Displays Memory 2   Window Options   CTRL+O

Using the File Menu with the Keyboard

  Exit to the system prompt               ALT+F4

Using the Edit Menu with the Keyboard

  Undo                                    ALT+BACKSPACE
  Copy                                    CTRL+INS
  Paste                                   SHIFT+INS

Using the Search Menu with the Keyboard

  Find                                    CTRL+F
  Selected Text                           CTRL+\ 
  Repeat Last Find (CodeView for MS-DOS)  ALT+/ 
  Repeat Last Find (CodeView for Windows) CTRL+R
  Repeat Last Find (CodeView for Win32s)  CTRL+R

Using the Run menu with the Keyboard

  Go                                      F5
  Step                                    F10
  Trace                                   F8
  Go to Cursor                            F7
  Stop after Return                       SHIFT+F7

Using the Data Menu with the Keyboard

  Add watch...                            CTRL+W
  Delete Watch...                         CTRL+U
  Quick Watch...                          SHIFT+F9
  Breakpoints...                          CTRL+B

Using the Options Menu with the Keyboard

  Open Memory window option dialog box    CTRL+O
  Cycle through the display formats       SHIFT+F3
  Cycle through the display formats       CTRL+SHIFT+F3
in reverse order

Using the Windows Menu with the Keyboard

  Restore the active window to its size   CTRL+F5
    and position before it was maximized

  Move the active window                  CTRL+F7
  Size the active window                  CTRL+F8
  Minimize the active window              CTRL+F9
  Maximize the active window              CTRL+F10
  Close                                   CTRL+F4
  Tile                                    SHIFT+F5
  Arrange all open windows                ALT+F5
  Open the Help window                    ALT+0
  Open the Local window                   ALT+1
  Open the Watch window                   ALT+2
  Open Source window 1                    ALT+3
  Open Source window 2                    ALT+4
  Open Memory window 1                    ALT+5
  Open Memory window 2                    ALT+6
  Open Register window                    ALT+7
  Toggle Register window on/off           F2
  Open 8087 window                        ALT+8
  Open the Command window                 ALT+9
  Swap to program's output screen         F4

Using the Help Menu with the Keyboard

  Contents                                SHIFT+F1
  Topic                                   F1

Additional query words: kbinf 4.00 4.10

Keywords          : kb16bitonly kbCodeView kbDebug kbVC 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbCodeView kbZNotKeyword3 kbCodeView400DOS kbCodeView401DOS kbCodeView405DOS kbCodeView410DOS kbCodeView400 kbCodeView401 kbCodeView410
Version           : :4.0,4.01,4.05,4.1
