Q103818: DoubleSpace Leaves \WINDOWS\SPART.PAR on Host Drive

Article: Q103818
Product(s): Microsoft Disk Operating System
Version(s): MS-DOS:6.2,6.22
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 20-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft MS-DOS operating system versions 6.2, 6.22 


This information applies to both Microsoft DoubleSpace and Microsoft DriveSpace.
For MS-DOS 6.22, use DRVSPACE in place of DBLSPACE for commands and filenames.

Under some conditions, DoubleSpace may leave the Windows directory and the file
SPART.PAR on the host drive after compressing an existing drive.


This situation occurs when you compress the drive that contains your Windows
directory (typically drive C), but you have your permanent swap file on a
different drive (for example, drive D). The Windows directory is copied to the
DoubleSpace-compressed drive, and all files and subdirectories are moved, except
the SPART.PAR pointer file. This file is left on the host in an otherwise empty
Windows directory.

This does not cause a problem for Windows because it creates a new SPART.PAR file
on the DoubleSpace-compressed drive.


You can safely delete the Windows directory on you host drive if you don't have
any other files in the Windows directory. To do this:

1. To determine which drive is your host drive, type "dblspace /list" (without
  the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER.

2. Use the DIR command to determine which files are in the Windows directory on
  the host drive. For example, type "dir h:\windows /a" (without the quotation
  marks) at the MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER. The /A parameter
  displays all hidden files.

3. If the only file in your Windows directory on the host drive is SPART.PAR, or
  if you don't need any of the files in the Windows directory, you can delete
  the directory. To do this, use the DELTREE command. For example, type
  "deltree h:\windows /y" (without the quotation marks) at the MS-DOS command
  prompt and then press ENTER.

NOTE: If you want to uncompress the drive that contains your Windows directory,
and a duplicate Windows directory exists on the host drive, you will have to
delete the Windows directory from the host drive.

Additional query words: 6.20

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbMSDOSSearch kbMSDOS622 kbMSDOS620
Version           : MS-DOS:6.2,6.22
