Q104898: FIX: ICHAR Fails If the Argument Is a Character Function

Article: Q104898
Product(s): Microsoft Fortran Compiler
Version(s): 1.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 24-MAR-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS, version 1.0 


The intrinsic function ICHAR returns a value outside the valid range of 0-255
when the argument to ICHAR is a function returning character.


Use a temporary variable to get the return value of the character function, and
use that temporary variable as the argument of the ICHAR function.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS,
version 1.0. This problem has been resolved with FORTRAN PowerStation
maintenance release version 1.0a for MS-DOS.

FORTRAN PowerStation version 1.0 can be differentiated from the maintenance
release version 1.0a by invoking the linker. Typing "link32 | more" (without the
quotation marks) from \F32\BIN directory will show version 2.8 for FORTRAN
PowerStation version 1.0, and it will show version 1.0f for the maintenance
release version 1.0a.


In the sample code below, both itemp1 and itemp2 should be set to 97. However,
with FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS, version 1.0, itemp2 is set to 97, but the
itemp1 is set to some value outside the legal range of ICHAR. Both itemp1 and
itemp2 are 97 with FORTRAN 5.1 and earlier.

Sample Code

  C Compile options needed: NONE
        character*1 chrfun, ctemp
        integer itemp1, itemp2
        ctemp = chrfun('a')
        itemp1 = ichar(chrfun('a'))
        itemp2 = ichar(ctemp)
        print*, itemp1, itemp2

        character*1 function chrfun(chr)
        character*1 chr

Additional query words: 1.00 buglist1.00 fixlist1.00a

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbFortranSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbFORTRANPower100DOS
Version           : :1.0
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
