Q105668: Windows Err Msg: Not Enough Environment Space

Article: Q105668
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): win31
Last Modified: 30-JUL-2001

The following information applies to:

- Microsoft Windows operating system versions 3.0, 3.0a, 3.1, 3.11

- Microsoft Windows for Workgroups versions 3.1, 3.11


You may receive the following error message when you start the MS-DOS Prompt or
an MS-DOS-based application:

  Not Enough Environment Space


The above error message may occur if you are running Novell NetWare and have not
installed Windows with Novell connectivity, or if the MS-DOS-based application
you are trying to run requires more than 256 bytes of environment space.


- If Windows 3.0 or later is running on a Novell NetWare network, make sure
  that the appropriate network selection is made in Windows Setup.

- If the MS-DOS-based application requires more than 256 bytes of environment
  space and you are running Windows 3.1 or later, add the following line to the
  SYSTEM.INI file under the [NonWindowsApp] section:


  1024 bytes should work properly; however, the setting can be set as high as
  32,768 bytes. The value must be either zero or between 160 and 32768.

  This is a global setting that affects all virtual machines (VMs).

- With Windows 2.x and later, you can create a program information file (PIF)
  to increase the environment space for the single application. Use the
  following settings in the PIF:

  For Windows 3.0:

  Field                          Setting
  =====                          =======

  Program FileName               Command.COM
  Window Title                   My Program
  Optional Parameters            /e:2048 /c C:\mydir\myprog.exe
  Startup Directory              C:\mydir

  For Windows 2.x:

  Field                          Setting
  =====                          =======

  Program Name                   Command.COM
  Program Title                  My Program
  Program Parameters             /e:2048 /c C:\mydir\myprog.exe
  Initial Directory              C:\mydir

  "/e:2048" is the size of the environment space in bytes; this value also
  ranges from 160 to 32768.

  "Mydir" is the name of the directory that contains the executable of the

  "Myprog.exe" is the name of the program.

  "/C" specifies that the command processor is to execute MYPROG.EXE and then
  terminate itself.

Additional query words: tshoot 2.10 2.11 3.00 3.00a 3.10 insufficient vm virtual machine box DOSapp out of environment space information

Keywords          : win31 
