Q106636: FIX: Debugger Does Not Properly Trace Include Files

Article: Q106636
Product(s): Microsoft Fortran Compiler
Version(s): 1.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 24-MAR-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS, version 1.0 


The debugger does not highlight the current point of execution of an include
file containing executable statements.


The debugger does not recognize that the include file is in a different source
window. All lines in the include file are interpreted by the debugger as being
in the same window as the main source.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in FORTRAN PowerStation version 1.0
for MS-DOS. This problem has been resolved with FORTRAN PowerStation maintenance
release version 1.0a for MS-DOS.


FORTRAN PowerStation version 1.0 can be differentiated from the maintenance
release version 1.0a by invoking the linker. Typing "Link32 | more " from
\F32\BIN directory will show version 2.8 for FORTRAN PowerStation version 1.0,
and it will show version 1.0f for the maintenance release version 1.0a.

To demonstrate the problem:

1. Build the sample code with the project in debug mode.

2. Open a source window for both sample code files (note that the include file
  will not show up in the list of files associated with the project because the
  include statement has a label).

3. Single step; the current point will be line 1 of TEST.FOR.

4. Single step; the highlight showing the current point will be at line 2 of
  TEST.FOR, but the actual current point is line 12 of TEST.INC. The following
  will be printed to the F32 Debug window:

  Main Line 1

5. Single step; the highlight showing the current point will be at line 3 of
  TEST.FOR, but the actual current point is line 13 of TEST.INC. The following
  will be printed:

  Inc Line 2

6. Single step; line 4 of TEST.FOR is shown, but it actually is line 14 of
  TEST.INC. The following will be printed:

  Inc Line 3

7. Single step; line 5 of TEST.FOR is shown, and it actually is line 5 of
  TEST.FOR! Both lines 4 of both TEST.INC and TEST.FOR were executed. The
  following will be printed:

  Inc Line 4
  Main Line 4

Sample Code (TEST.FOR)

    1   print *, 'Main Line 1'
  c 2
    3   include 'test.inc'
    4   print *, 'Main Line 4'
    5   end

Sample Code (TEST.INC)

  c 11
    12  print *, 'Inc Line 2'
    13  print *, 'Inc Line 3'
    14  print *, 'Inc Line 4'

Additional query words: 1.00 buglist1.00 fixlist1.00a

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbFortranSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbFORTRANPower100DOS
Version           : :1.0
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
