Q112551: Reinstalling Windows 3.10 Files over Windows 3.11

Article: Q112551
Product(s): Microsoft Windows 95.x Retail Product
Version(s): 3.1,3.11
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): win31
Last Modified: 26-FEB-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows versions 3.1, 3.11 


This article describes how reconfigure your Windows 3.11 installation to run
Windows 3.10 using your original Windows 3.10 disks.


To install Windows 3.10 files over a local installation of Windows 3.11:

1. Quit Microsoft Windows.

2. Create a backup directory. For example, to create a backup directory off the
  root of drive C, type "md c:\backup" (without the quotation marks) at the
  MS-DOS command prompt and then press ENTER.

3. Copy the files listed below from your Windows SYSTEM subdirectory to the
  backup directory or a floppy disk.


  To do this, use the following syntax

  copy <drive>:\<windir>\system\<filename>

  where <drive> is your hard disk drive, <windir> is your Windows
  directory, <filename> is the file you are copying, and <backdir>
  is your backup directory.

  For example, if your hard disk drive is C, your Windows directory is named
  WINDOWS, you are copying COMMDLG.DLL, and your backup directory is named
  C:\BACKUP, type the following:

  copy c:\windows\system\commdlg.dll c:\backup

  Repeat this command for the remaining files.

4. Using the table at the end of this article, insert the appropriate disks, one
  by one, and expand the following files to your Windows SYSTEM subdirectory.


  For example, insert Disk 4 of the 3.5 inch, 1.44-megabyte (MB) disk set and
  type the following at the MS-DOS command prompt:

  expand a:\commdlg.dl_ c:\windows\system\commdlg.dll

  PSCRIPT.DR_ should be expanded to PSCRIPT.DRV, .DL_ files should be expanded
  to .DLL, and .EX_ files should be expanded to .EXE.

  NOTE: After you copy the new USER.EXE file to your Windows SYSTEM
  subdirectory, your registered user and company name will be blank.

5. If you use Novell NetWare connectivity, do the following:

  a. Use a text editor (such as Windows Notepad) to open your SYSTEM.INI file,
     which is located in your Windows directory.

  b. In the [386Enh] section, change DEVICE=VTDA.386 to DEVICE=*VTD.

  c. Save the file and quit the text editor.

To install Windows 3.10 files over a network installation of Windows 3.11:

1. Determine the location of your SYSTEM.INI file and the network share that
  contains your shared Windows files. For example, if the network drive
  containing your Windows program files is Q, the location of your shared
  Windows files may be Q:\WINSHARE and your user directory may be
  Q:\USER\YOURNAME (or your user directory may be located on your local hard
  disk drive).

2. Quit Microsoft Windows.

3. Create a backup directory. For example, to create a backup directory off the
  root of drive C, type MD C:\BACKUP at the MS-DOS command prompt and then
  press ENTER.

4. Copy the following files from the network share to the backup directory on
  your hard disk drive using the following syntax at the MS-DOS command prompt
  and then press ENTER.

  copy <netdrive>:\<netshare>\<filename>

  where <netdrive> is the network drive, <netshare> is the network
  share containing your SYSTEM.INI file, <filename> is the file you are
  copying, <harddrive> is your hard disk drive, and <backdir> is
  your backup directory.

  For example, if your network drive is Q, the network share is WINSHARE, the
  file you want to copy is COMMDLG.DLL, your hard disk drive is C, and your
  backup directory is named C:\BACKUP, type the following:

  copy q:\winshare\commdlg.dll c:\backup

  Repeat this command for the remaining files:


5. Remove the read-only file attributes on the shared Windows files using the
  MS-DOS ATTRIB command.

6. Using the table at the end of this article, insert the appropriate disks, one
  by one, and expand the following files to the network drive and share that
  contains your Windows files:


  For example, insert Disk 4 of the 5.25-inch, 1.2-MB disk set and type the
  following at the MS-DOS command prompt:

  expand a:\commdlg.dl_ q:\winshare\commdlg.dll

  PSCRIPT.DR_ should be expanded to PSCRIPT.DRV, .DL_ files should be expanded
  to .DLL, and .EX_ files should be expanded to .EXE.

  NOTE: After you copy the new USER.EXE file to your Windows SYSTEM
  subdirectory, your registered user and company name will be blank.

7. Reset the read-only file attributes on the shared Windows files using the
  MS-DOS ATTRIB command.

8. If you use Novell NetWare connectivity, do the following:

  a. Use a text editor (such as Windows Notepad) to open your SYSTEM.INI file.

  b. In the [386Enh] section, change DEVICE=VTDA.386 to DEVICE=*VTD.

  c. Save the file and quit the text editor.


                                       Disk Number
Filename      5.25-inch, 1.2-MB    3.5-inch, 1.44-MB    3.5-inch, 720K

COMMDLG.DL_            4                     4                    10
GDI.EX_                1                     1                     3
KRNL386.EX_            2                     2                     4
PSCRIPT.DR_            7                     6                    11
SHELL.DL_              5                     4                     8
UNIDRV.DL_             7                     6                    12
USER.EX_               3                     2                     2

Additional query words: appnote 3.10 3.11

Keywords          : win31 
Technology        : kbWin3xSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbWin310 kbWin311
Version           : :3.1,3.11
