Q115139: Windows NT 3.1 Resource Guide Utilities Files Description

Article: Q115139
Product(s): Microsoft Windows NT
Version(s): 3.1
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbother
Last Modified: 21-APR-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- MSPRESS Microsoft Windows NT Resource Kit, version 3.1 

The following files are on the Windows NT Resource Guide (Windows NT
Resource Kit, Volume 1) compact disc in either the I386, MIPS, or ALPHA

Filename      Description


*.CUR, *.ANI  Animated cursors and cursor schemes.
~PROFILE.INI  Support file for Computer Profile Setup.
ANIEDIT.EXE   Windows tool for drawing and editing animated cursors.
AR.EXE        Archiver; POSIX utility.
BROWMON.EXE   Windows-based tool, shows browser status.
BROWSTAT.EXE  Command-line utility, diagnoses browser problems and
             shows browser status.
CAT.EXE       Concatenator (TYPE substitute); POSIX utility.
CC.EXE        C Compiler (CL front-end); POSIX utility.
CHMOD.EXE     Change Mode (ATTRIB substitute); POSIX utility.
CHOICE.EXE    Gets input in batch files. (MS-DOS 6.0 utility).
CHOWN.EXE     Change Owner; POSIX utility.

CP.EXE        Copy (COPY substitute); POSIX utility.
DELPART.EXE   Command-line utility; FDISK that can recognize NTFS
             partition and remove it.
DEVSRV.EXE    Background process for CC; POSIX utility.
DIRUSE.EXE    Command-line utility, shows disk space used per
DOMMON.EXE    Windows-based tool, gives status on domains, domain
             controllers, trust relationships.
DPML.DLL      Support file for DPML.LIB.
DPML.LIB      Digital portable math library file for Alpha AXP.
DPMLDLL.LIB   Support file for DPML.LIB.
DRIVERS.EXE   Command-line utility, shows what drivers have loaded.
DUMPEL.EXE    Command-line utility, dumps the event log to a file.
EXETYPE.EXE   Command-line utility, identifies an EXE as being for
             I386, MIPS, or Alpha AXP.
EXETYPE.INI   Support file for EXETYPE.EXE.
FATBOOT.BIN   Support file for Computer Profile Setup.
FIFO.CMD      Changes Registry value for FIFO buffers for modems.
FIFO_OFF.INI  Support file for FIFO.CMD.
FIFO_ON.INI   Support file for FIFO.CMD.
FIND.EXE      File Finder; POSIX utility.
FLOPLOCK.EXE  Command-line utility or service that restricts access to
             floppy drives.
FTPCTRS.DLL   Support file for FTP Server performance counters.
FTPCTRS.H     Support file for FTP Server performance counters.
FTPCTRS.INI   Support file for FTP Server performance counters.
FTPCTRS.REG   Support file for FTP Server performance counters.
FTPINST.BAT   Installation batch file for FTP Server performance
GETBS.EXE     Support file for Computer Profile Setup.
GREP.EXE      Global Regular Expression Print (Find); POSIX utility.
GRPTOREG.EXE  Converts a .GRP file created by REGTOGRP.EXE into
             Registry entries.
GUTIL.DLL     Support file for WINDIFF.EXE.
IMAGEDIT.EXE  Windows-based tool, allows creation of icons and
             cursors, and also used in by the Animated Cursor
INSTALL.EXE   Setup program for the Resource Kit.
INSTALL.INF   Support file for Resource Kit Setup program.
INSTALLD.CMD  Installs and removes the Debug version of NTDETECT.COM)
INSTSRV.EXE   Installs the FloppyLock service.
JUL93HCL.HLP  Windows NT Hardware Compatibility List in Help file
JUL93HCL.IND  Support file for JUL93HCL.HLP.
LD.EXE        Loader (LINK front-end); POSIX utility.
LMMIB2.MIB    MIB source file.
LN.EXE        Linker; POSIX utility.
LOADACCT.EXE  Support file for Computer Profile Setup.
LODCTR.EXE    Support file for FTP Server performance counters.
LS.EXE        List (DIR substitute); POSIX utility.
MAKE.EXE      NMAKE substitute; POSIX utility.
MIB_II.MIB    MIB source file.
MIBCC.EXE     MIB compiler for SNMP.
MKDIR.EXE     Make Directory (MD substitute); POSIX utility.
MV.EXE        Move (REN substitute); POSIX utility.
NCB2PTH.DLL   Support file for NET2COM.EXE.
NET2ALL.DLL   Support file for NET2COM.EXE.
NET2COM.EXE   Windows-based tool, shares a modem.
NET2COM.INF   Support file for NET2COM.EXE.
NET2MST.DLL   Support file for NET2COM.EXE.
NET2PSP.DLL   Support file for NET2COM.EXE.
NET2SET.EXE   Setup and removal tool for NET2COM.EXE.
NETSVC.EXE    Command-line utility, remotely starts, stops, and
             queries the status of services.
NETWATCH.EXE  Windows-based tool, shows who is connected to shared
NTCARD.HLP    Describes settings for hardware supported under Windows
NTDETECT.COM  NTDETECT.COM with Debug switch turned on, which displays
             hardware detected during Windows NT startup.
OEMNSVKT.INF  Information file for AppleTalk Protocol and Services for
             Macintosh Administrator Tools setup.
OS2API.TXT    List of compatible APIs in the OS/2 subsystem.
PERFMTR.EXE   Command-line utility, provides performance information.
PERMS.EXE     Command-line utility, shows what access a particular
             user has to certain files.
PMON.EXE      Command-line utility, shows process statistics.
POSIX.WRI     Help text for the POSIX utilities.
PSTAT.EXE     Command-line utility, shows process statistics. Useful
             for debugging problems.
PTH2COM.DLL   Support file for NET2COM.EXE.
PVIEWER.EXE   Windows-based tool, shows the processes running in the
             system and allows ending processes and boosting priority.
QSLICE.EXE    Windows-based tool, shows the amount of CPU used by each
             process in the system.
RASUSERS.EXE  Command-line utility, lists all RAS users.
README.WRI    The README file for the Resource Kit.
REGBACK.EXE   Command-line utility, backs up Registry hives to files
             without use of tape.
REGENTRY.HLP  Database of Registry entries.
REGINI.EXE    Command-line utility, makes changes to the Registry
             based on a script. Good for Setup programs.
REGREST.EXE   Command-line utility, restores Registry hives from
REGTOGRP.EXE  Creates a Windows NT .GRP file in the current directory
             for each of your Program Manager groups. (Must be used
             with GRPTOREG.EXE.)
RESTFILE.EXE  Support file for Computer Profile Setup.
RESTKEYS.EXE  Support file for Computer Profile Setup.
REMOTE.EXE    Command-line utility, provides remote Command Line.
REMOVE.BAT    Batch file for removing FTP Server performance counters.
REPAIR.EXE    Command-line utility, updates the emergency disk. Scans
             for new files and updates the hives.
RKTOOLS.HLP   Help file for all the Resource Kit utilities.
RM.EXE        Remove (DEL substitute); POSIX utility.
RMDIR.EXE     Remove Directory (RD substitute); POSIX utility.
SCHEMES.CPL   Control Panel tool for storing and choosing groups of
             cursors, rather than one at a time.
SCOPY.EXE     Command-line utility, moves files on NTFS partitions
             with security intact.
SFMAPI.DLL    Support file for Services for Macintosh Administrator
SFMATALK.SYS  Support file for AppleTalk Protocol.
SFMATCFG.DLL  Support file for AppleTalk Protocol.
SFMATMSG.DLL  Support file for AppleTalk Protocol.
SFMMGR.CPL    Support file for Services for Macintosh Administrator
SFMMGR.HLP    Support file for Services for Macintosh Administrator
SFMUTIL.DLL   Support file for Services for Macintosh Administrator
SFMWSHAT.DLL  Support file for AppleTalk Protocol.
SH.EXE        Shell (COMMAND substitute); POSIX utility.
SHARED32.INI  Sample SHARED32.INI file for customizing Microsoft Mail
             and Microsoft Schedule+.
SLEEP.EXE     Command-line utility, waits for a specified amount of
             time. Useful in batch files.
SMBTRACE.EXE  Command-line utility, traces SMB packets.
SMI.MIB       MIB source file.
SNMPUTIL.EXE  Command-line browsing utility, lets you get SNMP
             information from an SNMP host on your network.
SRVMGR.EXE    Windows-based tool, allows remote administration of
SRVMGR.HLP    Help for Server Manager.
TOPDESK.EXE   Windows-based tool, allows multiple desktops.
TOPDESK.HLP   Support file for TOPDESK.EXE.
TOPHOOK.DLL   Support file for TOPDESK.EXE.
TOUCH.EXE     Change Date; POSIX utility.
TROUBLE.HLP   Resource Guide Troubleshooting Flowcharts in Help file
TROUBLE.IND   Support file for TROUBLE.HLP.
UCONVERT.EXE  Windows-based tool, converts Unicode text to ANSI.
UNLODCTR.EXE  Support file for FTP Server performance counters.
UPEDIT.EXE    Windows-based tool, allows changing the default and
             system profiles.
UPEDIT.HLP    Help for User Profile Editor.
UPLODPRF.EXE  Support file for Computer Profile Setup.
UPLODPS2.BAT  Support file for Computer Profile Setup.
USRMGR.EXE    Windows-based tool, allows remote administration of
USRMGR.HLP    Help for User Manager.
VI.EXE        Visual (EDIT substitute); POSIX utility.
WC.EXE        Word Count; POSIX utility.
WINAT.EXE     Windows NT-based Command Scheduler.
WINDIFF.EXE   Windows-based tool, shows the differences between two
             files or directories.
WINNTP.EXE    Computer Profile Setup, allows easy set up of multiple
WINVTP.EXE    Windows-based communications tool that can work with

Additional query words: sfm prodnt

Keywords          : kbother 
Technology        : kbMSPressSearch kbZNotKeyword6 kbZNotKeyword2
Version           : :3.1
