Article: Q120395
Product(s): Microsoft Fortran Compiler
Version(s): 1.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 02-NOV-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS, version 1.0 


When you build a debug version of an application with FORTRAN PowerStation for
MS-DOS version 1.0 (PS 1.0) and include object modules (.OBJ) compiled with
FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS version 1.0a (PS 1.0a), the following errors may
be generated:

  Assertion failed: i != C7FIXUPSYMCNT, file symbols7.c, line 314


  CVPACK : fatal error CK1010: symbol error in module;
  contact Microsoft Product Support Services


  ***** Linker INTERNAL ERROR during EmitCodeView *****

  Command line error D2027 : cannot execute 'C:\F32\BIN\link32.exe'


The versions of CVPack and Link32 included with PS 1.0 may not be able handle
the debugging information appended to object modules by the PS 1.0a compiler. PS
1.0a inserts debug information into the object module when you use the compiler
options /Zi and /Zd, as expected, but also inserts some debug information when
you use the /Ox compiler option.


Call Microsoft support, (425) 635-7015, and ask for the free update to Microsoft
FORTRAN PowerStation for MS-DOS version 1.0a.

While using PS 1.0 do not build in debug mode or do not include object modules
from PS 1.0a that have debug information.

Re-compile the object modules from PS 1.0a without using options /Ox, /Zi, or


Version information

            PS 1.0   PS 1.0a
  Link32      2.8      1.0F
  CVPack      4.21     4.25

To determine the version of CVPack, type the following at the MS-DOS prompt:

  " CVPACK" (without the quotation marks)

The version number will be displayed.

To determine the version of Link32, type the following at the MS-DOS prompt:

  " link32 | more" (without the quotation marks)

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

Because the Microsoft IMSL for FORTRAN PowerStation libraries were built with PS
1.0a using the /Ox option, they include some debugging information and can be
used to demonstrate the problem.

1. Build one of the samples from the Microsoft IMSL Libraries. For example, move
  to the C:\MSIMSL32\FORTRAN\EXAMPLES\MATH\DOUBLE directory and type the
  following at the MS-DOS prompt:

  " fl32 -Zi dlprs_ex.for -link mathd.lib" (without the quotation marks)

  The following error is displayed:

  ***** Linker INTERNAL ERROR during EmitCodeView *****

  Command line error D2027 : cannot execute 'C:\F32\BIN\link32.exe'

2. Modify the makefile so the compiler switch /Zi or /Zd is used.

  The following errors are displayed:

  CVPACK : fatal error CK1010: symbol error in module dlprs_ex.obj; contact
  Microsoft Product Support Services
  LINK32 : warning LNK4527: CVPACK error
  Command line error D2027 : cannot execute 'C:\F32\BIN\link32.exe'
  NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'FL32' : return code '0x2'

Additional query words: 1.00 1.00a compile link failure

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbFortranSearch kbZNotKeyword3 kbFORTRANPower100DOS
Version           : :1.0
