Article: Q121558
Product(s): Microsoft Home Multimedia Titles
Version(s): MACINTOSH:1.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbfile kbgraphic kbmm
Last Modified: 08-NOV-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Art Gallery for the Macintosh, version 1.0 


When you use Microsoft Art Gallery on an Apple Power Macintosh, the Art Gallery
text may appear distorted, may be the wrong color, or may be covered in dark
rectangles. This problem occurs most frequently in the See Also dialog boxes and
with the word "Animation" on the Animation button in the guided tours.


This is a problem with the Apple Power Macintosh systems earlier than version
7.5.1. This problem appears to be caused by the Power Macintosh 680x0 chip
emulation, or by the native version of QuickDraw on the Power Macintosh.


This problem is corrected with System 7.5.1 and higher for the Macintosh. To
correct this problem, obtain the version 7.5.1 update from Apple.

Additional query words: multi media multimedia multi-media mmtitles homemm artgallery font fuzzy unclear box black boxes squares over on top blurry blurred mac

Keywords          : kbfile kbgraphic kbmm 
Technology        : kbHWMAC kbOSMAC kbHomeProdSearch kbZNotKeyword kbArtGalleryMac
Version           : MACINTOSH:1.0
Issue type        : kbprb
