Q124387: DOCERR: How to Use the MIXERLINECONTROLS dwControlType Flag

Article: Q124387
Product(s): Miscellaneous Windows Products
Version(s): 2.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 13-JUN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Windows Sound System, version 2.0 

The Microsoft Windows Sound System version 2.0 Driver Development Kit
Release Notes incorrectly describe how the dwControlType member of the
MIXERLINECONTROLS structure should be set before the
mixerGetLineControls function is called. Instead of the
MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYID flag, it should reference the

The error occurs in 2 places in the Release Notes, page 127 and page 181.
In each place, the paragraph for the dwControlType member begins with:

  "Specifies the control type of the control desired. The mixerGetlineControls
  function uses this member with the MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYID flag to
  retrieve the first control of the specified type on the line specified by the
  dwLineID member of the MIXERLINECONTROLS structure..."

The paragraph should begin with:

  "Specifies the control type of the control desired. The mixerGetlineControls
  function uses this member with the MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE flag to
  retrieve the first control of the specified type on the line specified by the
  dwLineID member of the MIXERLINECONTROLS structure..."

NOTE: In Windows NT version 3.5, the Mixer Manager API (Application
Programming Interface) has been incorporated into the Win32 SDK, and the
Mixer Manager SPI (Service Provider Interface) has been incorporated into
the Win32 DDK. The documents for these tools give correct descriptions for
the items discussed in this article.

Additional query words: 2.00 WSS DDK Mixer Manager MIXERLINECONTROLS

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbWinSoundSysSearch kbWinSoundSys200
Version           : :2.0
