Q130146: How to Create a Scrolling Field in a BROWSE Window

Article: Q130146
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbcode
Last Modified: 09-FEB-2000

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, version 3.0 


In FoxPro for Windows versions 2.x, you can't scroll a field in a Browse window
when a field is wider than the column width. However, In Visual FoxPro version
3.0, you can make the field in a Browse window an edit box with a scroll bar.
This articles shows by example how to do it.


Code Sample


  cText = "This is how it works in 2.x. You can't see the entire field. The ;
  new way - pay attention to the 'BROWSE NAME' clause. You can now use the ;
  BROWSE as a Visual FoxPro 3.0 object and introduce a control into a long ;
  field so that the data is easier to view."

  CREATE CURSOR issues (topic C(20),  long_desc C(254))
  INSERT INTO issues VALUES ('Horizontal Scrolling', cText)

  BROWSE TITLE "Close this Window to see what you can do with Visual FoxPro!"


  LOCAL nColumn, oRef
  FOR nColumn = 1 TO FCOUNT()
        oRef = EVAL('oIssues.Column'+LTRIM(STR(nColumn)))
        oRef.AddObject('edit1','editbox')  && Add edit box.
        oRef.edit1.Visible = .t.
        oRef.Sparse = .f.
        oRef.CurrentControl = 'edit1'
        oRef.Width = 150
        oRef.edit1.ScrollBars = 2

  oIssues.RowHeight = 60     && Change the row height for the browse object.


Run the program. In the first browse window, you cannot see the entire long
description field (it's an old version 2.x browse window). Press the ESC key to
quit the first browse window. Then bring up the second Browse window, which is
the new version 3.0 browse window. Now, the entire long description appears in
an edit box, so the data can be more easily viewed.

NOTE: You can use BROWSE NAME to create an object reference for the Browse
window. This allows you to manipulate the Browse window with object-oriented
properties available for the Grid control.

Additional query words: VFoxWin

Keywords          : kbcode 
Technology        : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP300
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0
