Q138863: SNA Server Setup Always Adds COMNETMN to Registry in Error

Article: Q138863
Product(s): Microsoft SNA Server
Version(s): WINDOWS:2.11
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 13-JUN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft SNA Server, version 2.11, on platform(s):
   - the operating system: Microsoft Windows NT 


When you install SNA Server 2.11, SNA Server Setup incorrectly adds a second
COMNETMN entry to the registry even though the existing entry is the only entry
necessary for SNA Server link services to send link alerts to Netview, provided
a Netview connection is configured in SNA Server Admin.

The second COMNETMN entry is added to the Windows NT registry under the subtree
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE under the following subkey:



SNA Server Setup fails to check if the COMNETMN pipe name is already specified
in the registry.


Obtain the update to SNA Server Setup mentioned below.


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in SNA Server for Windows NT. This
problem was corrected in the latest SNA Server for Windows NT, 2.11 U.S. Service
Pack. For information on obtaining the Service Pack, query on the following word
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

  S E R V P A C K

KBCategory: kbnetwork kbbug2.11
KBSubcategory: ntnetserv

Additional query words: prodsna 2.11

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbSNAServSearch
Version           : WINDOWS:2.11
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
