Q141802: Dynamic Column Binding with MFC ODBC Database Classes

Article: Q141802
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): 4.0,4.1,4.2,5.0,6.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbcode kbfile kbSample kbusage kbDatabase kbMFC kbODBC kbVC kbGrpDSVCDB kbGrpDSMDAC kbD
Last Modified: 26-JUL-2002

The information in this article applies to:

- The Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC), used with:
   - Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Editions, versions 4.0, 4.1 
   - Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Enterprise Edition, versions 4.2, 5.0, 6.0 
   - Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Professional Edition, versions 4.2, 5.0, 6.0 
   - Microsoft Visual C++, 32-bit Learning Edition, version 6.0 
   - Microsoft Visual C++.NET (2002) 

This is a 32-bit version of the DYNCOL sample.


The DYNC32 sample demonstrates how to dynamically determine the number, types,
and names of each column in a given table and then bind these columns to
dynamically allocated objects in your CRecordset derived class.

This sample has been updated to work with the new implementation of CRecordset in
Visual C++ 4.2 while remaining compatible with 4.0 and 4.1.

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the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge

  Q119591 How to Obtain Microsoft Support Files from Online Services

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DYNC32.EXE contains subdirectories, so you will want to preserve the directory
structure. After you download it, place it in an empty directory and extract the
files it contains by using the -d option:

  DYNC32.EXE -d


DYNC32 follows the basic procedures outlined in the documentation titled,
"Dynamically Binding Data Columns," found in Database Encyclopedia of the Books
OnLine. However, DYNC32 has no permanent members, therefore only one list is
generated that contains information for all the columns in the table. If you
have a subset of columns that are always present and are therefore member
variables of the CRecordset derived class, you will need to follow the
instructions in the article on generating only a list of the columns not already
bound. DYNC32 only constructs a single list and implements methods for
performing DoFieldExchange() and DoDataExchange() for this list of dynamically
allocated objects.

Generating the List

The first thing DYNC32 must do is determine how many columns are in the database,
and of what type. To do this, the CRecordset-derived object, CDynCol32Set,
contains a CColumns object to query this information. In CDynCol32Set, the Open
member function has been overridden so that the column information can be
retrieved before the base-class CRecordset::Open function is called to open the
database. After this information has been accessed, a list of CColumnData
objects is allocated to hold a description of each column in the table, plus a
pointer to a storage object allocated for that column (to be used in the record
field exchange routines).

     BOOL CDyncol32Set::Open(UINT nOpenType, LPCSTR lpszSql, DWORD
       // use one CDatabase Object so we only prompt once for database Open
       // ***** allocated in constructor...

       if (! m_pDatabase->Open(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, "ODBC;"))
         return  FALSE;

       CTables tables(m_pDatabase);

       // prompt for a table to open
       CTablesDialog tableName(NULL,m_pDatabase);
       if (IDCANCEL == tableName.DoModal())
         return FALSE;

       // Specify the table to look at
       m_pColumns = new CColumns(m_pDatabase);
       m_pColumns->m_strTableNameParam = tableName.m_strTableNameSelected;

       // Set the database to be the CDynaSet's database if one hasn't
       // already been set (this should be the case)
       if (m_pColumns->m_pDatabase == NULL)
         m_pColumns->m_pDatabase = m_pDatabase;

       // Open the recordset to get the column info
       if (!m_pColumns->Open(CRecordset::forwardOnly, NULL,

         return FALSE;

       // Initialize the number of fields dynamically allocated to CDynaSet
       m_nFields = 0;

       // Loop until we've seen all the columns
       while (!m_pColumns->IsEOF())
         // Allocate a new CColumnData object for the current column
         CColumnData *pData = new CColumnData;

         // Store the colmun information
         pData->m_nDataType = m_pColumns->m_nDataType;
         pData->m_strColumnName = "[";
         pData->m_strColumnName += m_pColumns->m_strColumnName;
         pData->m_strColumnName +="]";

         // Allocate an object of the appropriate type to store
         // the column data
           case SQL_BIT:
             pData->m_pData = (void *)new BOOL;

           case SQL_TINYINT:
             pData->m_pData = (void *)new BYTE;

           case SQL_SMALLINT:
             pData->m_pData = (void *)new int;



         // Add the column descriptor to the list and
         // increment the number of columns in the


         // Get the next column's information

       // Free the HSTMT used to get the table info
       RETCODE nRetCode;
       AFX_SQL_SYNC(::SQLFreeStmt(m_pColumns->m_hstmt, SQL_CLOSE));
       // Return the base class if we got this far
       lpszSql = m_pColumns->m_strTableNameParam;

       // we don't need the columns recordset any more
       delete m_pColumns;
       return CRecordset::Open(nOpenType, lpszSql, dwOptions);

Getting the Column Data into the Recordset

Once the CColumnData list has been generated, DoFieldExchange() must be
overridden to traverse this list and call the appropriate RFX routine for each
CColumnData's storage object.

     void CDyncol32Set::DoFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX)
       // Set the type of exhange; same as AppWizard generated

       // Get a pointer to the first CColumnData object in the list
       POSITION rPos = m_pList.GetHeadPosition();
       CColumnData *pData = (CColumnData *)m_pList.GetNext(rPos);

       // Loop until we've traversed all the columns
       while (pData)
         // Call the appropriate RFX routine for the column's type
           case SQL_BIT:
             RFX_Bool(pFX, pData->m_strColumnName, *((BOOL *)(pData-

           case SQL_TINYINT:
             RFX_Byte(pFX, pData->m_strColumnName, *((BYTE *)(pData-

           case SQL_SMALLINT:
             RFX_Int(pFX, pData->m_strColumnName, *((int *)(pData-



         // Set pData to NULL if that was the last column
         if (rPos)
           pData = (CColumnData *)m_pList.GetNext(rPos);
           pData = NULL;

Getting the Recordset Data into the View

After getting the data into the recordset, the last thing to do is to get this
information into the CRecordView-derived class to be displayed. In the case of
DYNC32, it simply uses a list control to do a straight dump of the data onto the
view. In order to do this, the CColumnData list must again be traversed. In the
following functions, data is populated to the List Control:

     void CDyncol32View::RefreshData()
        VARIANT var;
        CRect rect;
        LVITEM lvitem;
        int iActualItem = 0;
        POSITION rPos ;
        CString csTemp;
        CColumnData *pData = NULL;
        var.vt = VT_ERROR;
        var.scode = DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND;
        if (!m_pSet->IsOpen())
        // Get pointer to CDynaSet's CColumnData list.
        CPtrList *pList = &m_pSet->m_pList;
        rPos = pList->GetHeadPosition();
        pData = (CColumnData *)pList->GetNext(rPos);
        // Navigate through the CCOlumnData to get the field names.
        // Set the columns header text as field names.
        for(int nCol= 0; nCol < (int)m_pSet->m_nFields;nCol++)
           csTemp = pData->m_strColumnName.AllocSysString();
           m_lstData.InsertColumn(0, csTemp, LVCFMT_LEFT,rect.Width() * 1/3,
           if (rPos)
              pData = (CColumnData *)pList->GetNext(rPos);
              pData = NULL;
        // Navigate through the recordset.
        for (int iItem = 0; m_pSet->IsEOF()  != TRUE < 20; iItem++) // insert
                                // the items and subitems into the list view.
           // Get the first element.
           rPos = pList->GetHeadPosition();
           pData = (CColumnData *)pList->GetNext(rPos);
           // Navigate through the column list
           // and put the data to the list control.
           for (int iSubItem = 0; iSubItem < (int)m_pSet->m_nFields;
              lvitem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | (iSubItem == 0? LVIF_IMAGE : 0);
              lvitem.iItem = (iSubItem == 0)? iItem : iActualItem;
              lvitem.iSubItem = iSubItem;
              csTemp = GetData(pData);
              // calculate the main and sub-item strings
              // for the current item.
              (lvitem.pszText) = csTemp.GetBuffer(csTemp.GetLength());
              if (iSubItem == 0)
                 iActualItem = m_lstData.InsertItem(&lvitem); // insert new
                                                              // item.
                 m_lstData.SetItem(&lvitem); // modify existing item
                                             // (the sub-item text).
              if (rPos)
                 pData = (CColumnData *)pList->GetNext(rPos);
                 pData = NULL;
     // Function to convert the data in pData to Cstring.
     CString CDyncol32View::GetData(CColumnData *pData)
        CString csTemp;
        CString strBuffer;
        CString *pSet;
           case SQL_BIT:
              strBuffer = *((BOOL *) (pData->m_pData)) ? _T("TRUE") :
              csTemp = strBuffer;
           case SQL_TINYINT:
                 char *pBuffer = strBuffer.GetBuffer(32);
                 _itoa(*((BYTE *)(pData->m_pData)), pBuffer, 10);
              csTemp= strBuffer;
           case SQL_SMALLINT:
           case SQL_INTEGER:
                 char *pBuffer = strBuffer.GetBuffer(32);
                 _itoa(*((int *)(pData->m_pData)), pBuffer, 10);
              csTemp = strBuffer;
           case SQL_REAL:
                 char *pBuffer = strBuffer.GetBuffer(32);
                 sprintf(pBuffer, "%#f", *((float *) (pData->m_pData)));
              csTemp = strBuffer;
           case SQL_FLOAT:
           case SQL_DOUBLE:
                 char *pBuffer = strBuffer.GetBuffer(32);
                 sprintf(pBuffer, "%#f", *((double *) (pData->m_pData)));
              csTemp = strBuffer;
           case SQL_DATE:
           case SQL_TIME:
           case SQL_TIMESTAMP:
              strBuffer = ((CTime *)(pData->m_pData))->Format( "%c" );
              csTemp = strBuffer;
           case SQL_BINARY:
           case SQL_VARBINARY:
              csTemp = "Binary Field";
           case SQL_DECIMAL:   // ODBC default xfer type
           case SQL_NUMERIC:   // ODBC default xfer type
           case SQL_CHAR:
           case SQL_VARCHAR:
               pSet = (CString *)(pData->m_pData);
               csTemp = *pSet;
           case SQL_LONGVARCHAR:
           case SQL_LONGVARBINARY:
              csTemp = "Longvarchar or Longvarbinary";
        return csTemp;

The most fundamental concepts of the sample are contained within the CColumns and
CColumnData objects. The first allows DYNC32 to determine the name and data type
for each column in the table. With this information it is able to allocate a
linked list of CColumnData objects. Each CColumnData object is a descriptor that
contains the name, type and a pointer to a data object of the correct type. Once
this list has been constructed, traversal routines must be put in the
DoFieldExchange() and DoDataExchange() routines to perform the appropriate
RFX/DDX function with the allocated data object.

Note that the implementation of CRecordset has changed from between version 4.1
and 4.2. As a result, you will notice that CColumns::Open() and CTables::Open(),
the two overrides of CRecordset::Open() that are used to directly call ODBC API
functions, now include conditional code. This code represents the minimum that
must be done to update the recordsets to 4.2.

The sample code has changed in the functions CTables::Open and CColumns::Open due
to changes in implementation of CRecordset between VC++ 4.2 and VC++ 5.0. Now it
has calls to member functions of CRecordset to allocate and cache the field
information, before calling MoveFirst.

NOTE: This sample uses Grid32.ocx, which is available only in Visual Basic 4.0 or

Additional query words: Dync32 kbvc400 kbvc410 kbvc420 kbvc500 kbvc600

Keywords          : kbcode kbfile kbSample kbusage kbDatabase kbMFC kbODBC kbVC kbGrpDSVCDB kbGrpDSMDAC kbDSupport kbMDACNoSweep 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbMFC
Version           : :4.0,4.1,4.2,5.0,6.0
