Q143284: PRB: Error Generated Through Interface Clears READ EVENTS

Article: Q143284
Product(s): Microsoft FoxPro
Version(s): 3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a,6.0,7.0
Operating System(s): 
Last Modified: 23-OCT-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Visual FoxPro for Windows, versions 3.0, 3.0b, 5.0, 5.0a, 6.0, 7.0 


If an error is generated through the interface at a time when program execution
is halted on a READ EVENTS, selecting Ignore from the dialog clears the READ
EVENTS. Alternately, having an ON ERROR routine without a RETRY causes the same


If an error occurs, selecting Ignore moves program execution to the next line of
code. If an ON ERROR routine is used, execution also resumes at the next line of
code if no RETRY command is issued.


Conditionally execute a RETRY after testing for which line of code is active
when the error occurs.


This behavior is by design.


Steps to Reproduce Behavior and Resolution

This example uses the Customer table from the \VFP\samples\data\Testdata
database. The READ EVENTS is placed in a procedure by itself. A RETRY is
conditionally executed within the error handler when an error occurs and the
program name passed to the error handler is the procedure containing the READ

1. Create a new program containing the following code, and name it

    *  Begin READTEST.PRG

     ON ERROR DO errhand WITH ;

     * The following DO FORM allows the form to be cleared if the program
     * ends since the variable oReadTest loses scope

     DO FORM ReadTest NAME oReadTest LINKED
     =Read_Events()       && Call procedure to invoke READ EVENTS

     PROCEDURE ErrHand
     PARAMETER nErrorNum, cErr_Msg, cErr_Msg1, cErr_Prog, nErr_Line

     * Display error number
     WAIT WINDOW "Error # "+ALLTRIM(STR(nErrorNum))+ ;
                 " In "+ALLTRIM(cErr_Prog) TIMEOUT 1

     IF UPPER(cErr_Prog)='READ_EVENTS'   && Check for program/procedure
     *   RETRY           && Remove * to make error not clear READ EVENTS


     PROCEDURE Read_Events

     *  End READTEST.PRG

2. Create a new form. Add the Customer table to the Data Environment of the
  form. Then create a grid by dragging the Customer table from the Data
  Environment of the form. Set the ColumnCount of the grid to 5.

3. Place the following code in the Destroy event procedure code for the form:

     =TABLEREVERT(.T.)      && Do not save changes

4. Set the BufferMode of the form to 1 - Pessimistic.

5. Add a command button to the form, and place the following code in its Click
  event procedure code:


6. Change the Caption property of the command button to Close.

7. On the File menu, click Save, and save the form as Readtest.scx.

8. Run the Readtest.prg program. Make a change to the first record in the grid.

9. Start another instance of Visual FoxPro. Run the program in the new instance.
  Make a change to the first record in the grid. The WAIT window will be
  displayed with error number 109. The form will be released because the
  variable oReadTest is released (goes out of scope).

10. Go back to the first instance of Visual FoxPro, and close the form.

11. Edit Readtest.prg, and remove the * from the RETRY command in the ErrHand

12. Repeat steps 8 and 9. The form will not be exited in the second instance of
  Visual FoxPro. The RETRY causes program execution to remain on the READ
  EVENTS command.


- The READ EVENTS is placed alone in a separate procedure because this is the
  only way to reliably determine the line of code currently executing.
  MESSAGE(1) will not return the line of code within an .exe file or show
  whether the source code is present or accessible when the program is run.

- The error that occurs is "Record is in use by another user." This is caused
  by the attempt to lock a record in the second instance which is already
  locked in the first instance due to the Pessimistic buffering scheme.

Additional query words: VFoxWin

Keywords          :  
Technology        : kbVFPsearch kbAudDeveloper kbVFP300 kbVFP300b kbVFP500 kbVFP600 kbVFP700 kbVFP500a
Version           : :3.0,3.0b,5.0,5.0a,6.0,7.0
