Q155819: XADM: IMC Can’t Decode Mail That Uses the EUC-KR Charset

Article: Q155819
Product(s): Microsoft Exchange
Version(s): winnt:4.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbusage
Last Modified: 04-APR-1999

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft Exchange Server, version 4.0 


The Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Connector(IMC) will fail to decode messages
sent from Netscape using the EUC-KR character set (charset).


This fails because of a conflict in charsets. When the IMC translates Korean
messages, it uses the ISO-2022-KR charset, however, Netscape uses the EUC-KR


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Exchange Server
version 4.0. This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft Exchange Service
Pack. For information on obtaining the Service Pack, query on the following word
in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

  S E R V P A C K

Additional query words: SP3 DBCS EUC ISO-2022

Keywords          : kbusage 
Technology        : kbExchangeSearch kbExchange400 kbZNotKeyword2
Version           : winnt:4.0
