Q165259: INFO: Active Template Library (ATL) 2.0 Readme File

Article: Q165259
Product(s): Microsoft C Compiler
Version(s): 2.0,3.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbprogramming kbnokeyword kbATL200 kbGrpDSMFCATL
Last Modified: 26-JUN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- The Microsoft Active Template Library (ATL), versions 2.0, 3.0 


The following information is taken from the February 14, 1997 Readme file of the
Active Template Library (ATL) version 2.0.


Active Template Library 2.0 Readme

ATL 2.0 requires Oleaut32.dll version 2.20.4049, or later, which is
shipped with Windows NT 4.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0. ATL 2.0 also
requires the Visual C++ 4.2b patch.

Building ATL Projects from the Command Line Can Generate NMAKE Error

Building an ATL project from the command line can generate NMAKE error
U1073. (This problem does not occur when building ATL samples from within
the integrated development environment.)

For example, the following command line:

  nmake /f beeper.mak CFG="beeper - Win32 Release"

generates this error:

  NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make '".\beeper.h"'

From the command line, ATL projects require two passes to build. The first
pass directs MIDL to create a header file that is required for the second

To work around this problem, use the following commands:

  nmake /f beeper.mak CFG="beeper - Win32 Release" beeper.h
  nmake /f beeper.mak CFG="beeper - Win32 Release"

_ATL_MIN_CRT and Link Error "unresolved external symbol _main"

When you build a Release version of an ATL project, you can get the
following link error:

  LIBCMT.LIB(crt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main

This error occurs if you are using CRT functions that require CRT startup
code. The Release configurations define _ATL_MIN_CRT, which excludes CRT
startup code from your EXE or DLL. To avoid this error, do one of the

- Remove _ATL_MIN_CRT from the list of preprocessor defines to allow CRT
  startup code to be included. On the Build menu, click Settings. Hold
  the ctrl key while selecting all Release configurations. On the C/C++
  tab, choose the General category, then remove _ATL_MIN_CRT from the
  preprocessor definitions edit box.

- If possible, remove calls to CRT functions that require CRT startup
  code. Instead, use their Win32 equivalents. For example, use lstrcmp()
  instead of strcmp(). Known functions that require CRT startup code are
  some of the string and floating point functions.

Service EXE Created with ATL COM AppWizard Doesn't Build in Release Mode

In the ATL COM AppWizard, if you choose Service (EXE) as the server type,
your project will not build in release mode. Builds in release mode
automatically include the preprocessor directive _ATL_MIN_CRT, while the
default ATL service code requires the CRT library. To avoid this error, do
one of the following:

- Remove _ATL_MIN_CRT from the list of preprocessor defines to allow CRT
  startup code to be included. On the Build menu, click Settings. Hold
  the ctrl key while selecting all Release configurations. On the C/C++
  tab, choose the General category, then remove _ATL_MIN_CRT from the
  Preprocessor definitions edit box.

- Remove calls to CRT functions within the generated
  ServiceModule::LogEvent function.

ATL Controls in Visual Basic 5.0 Containers

If you are using the IQuickActivate interface in Visual Basic 5.0, you
must also support the connection point IPropertyNotifySink. To use a
control generated by the ATL Object Wizard in a Visual Basic 5.0
container, you must either add support for IPropertyNotifySink or remove
the dependence on the IQuickActivate interface. To remove IQuickActivate
support, comment out the lines containing IQuickActivateImpl in the
control's class inheritance list and in the COM interface map. For
example, if you generate a full control called MyCtl with the ATL Object
Wizard, then go to MyCtl.h and comment out the line containing
IQuickActivateImpl in the CMyCtl class inheritance list:

  class ATL_NO_VTABLE CMyCtl :

  // public IQuickActivateImpl<CMyCtl>

Also, comment out the line containing IQuickActivateImpl in the COM
interface map in MyCtl.h:



Some ATL Object Stock Properties Must Be Initialized

Before Use in Visual Basic 5.0 Containers, Visual Basic 5.0 expects all
stock properties that are IUnknown-based (such as MousePointer, Picture,
and Font) to contain a valid IUnknown pointer. Otherwise, Visual Basic
never allows the user to change the property. For example, if you have a
stock Font property that you never fill in with a valid Font, Visual Basic
will display the Font as being NULL, and will never allow the user to
select a new Font through the Visual Basic property window.

To avoid this problem, make sure your IUnknown-based stock properties have
a valid value other than NULL before inserting your object into a Visual
Basic container. There are many ways to do this, for example, get the
ambient Font off the container and use that as your stock Font property.

ATL Registrar Fails to Insert Keys Starting with Curly Brace

The ATL registrar does not correctly interpret two consecutive key names
that both start with a curly brace '{'. For example, the second
"Implemented Categories" key name fails in the following registry script


     NoRemove CLSID
       ForceRemove {333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83} = s 'Tabular
       Data Control'
          'Implemented Categories'

To correct the problem, break out each key name as shown in this example:

     NoRemove CLSID
       ForceRemove {333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC04-0080C7055A83} = s 'Tabular
       Data Control'

       'Implemented Categories'
       'Implemented Categories'

IPropertyPageImpl::Help is Implemented Incorrectly

In most cases, if you are using property pages, you should override
IPropertyPage::Help and return E_NOTIMPL. This will cause the container to
use information returned from GetPageInfo. You can also provide your own
alternative implementation of this function if necessary.

ATL Font and Picture Properties May Require Changes to the IDL File

To make a Font or Picture property work in some containers, the interface
definition must be declared within the library section of the .idl file.
You must cut the interface declarations from the .idl file and paste them
into the library section of the same file. In addition, the import line
for ocidl.idl needs to be commented out. For example, the ATL Object
Wizard generates the following .idl file for MyCtl with a Font property:

  import "oaidl.idl";
  import "ocidl.idl";

     helpstring("IMyCtl Interface"),

  interface IMyCtl : IDispatch
     [propputref, id(DISPID_FONT)]
     HRESULT Font([in]IFontDisp* pFont);
     [propput, id(DISPID_FONT)]
     HRESULT Font([in]IFontDisp* pFont);
     [propget, id(DISPID_FONT)]
     HRESULT Font([out, retval]IFontDisp** ppFont);

     helpstring("MyControl 1.0 Type Library")

  library MYCONTROLLib
     helpstring("MyCtl Class")

     coclass MyCtl
        [default] interface IMyCtl;

The corrected version of this .idl file is shown below:

  import "oaidl.idl";
  // import "ocidl.idl";
     helpstring("MyControl 1.0 Type Library")

  library MYCONTROLLib
        helpstring("IMyCtl Interface"),

     interface IMyCtl : IDispatch
        [propputref, id(DISPID_FONT)]
        HRESULT Font([in]IFontDisp* pFont);
        [propput, id(DISPID_FONT)]
        HRESULT Font([in]IFontDisp* pFont);
        [propget, id(DISPID_FONT)]
        HRESULT Font([out, retval]IFontDisp** ppFont);
        helpstring("MyCtl Class")

     coclass MyCtl
        [default] interface IMyCtl;

Changes to Stock Property Macros

The documentation incorrectly references the macro
IMPLEMENT_SMARTPTR_STOCKPROP. This macro is now obsolete. The macro
IMPLEMENT_BOOL_STOCKPROP has been added and should be used for all stock
properties that are Boolean values, such as the standard BORDERVISIBLE,
ENABLED, TABSTOP, and VALID stock properties.

Problems with ATL Samples

The samples ATLCON and ATLBUTTON have the following problems:

- To successfully run ATLCON under a MinCRT configuration, you must
  remove the WinMain entry point as follows:

  1. Click Settings on the Build menu.
  2. Under Settings For, choose one of the MinCRT configurations.
  3. On the Link tab, choose the Output category.
  4. Remove the text in the Entry-point symbol editbox.

- ATLButton returns incorrect values for the properties ImageHover and
  ImagePush. To correct the sample, change the file AtlButton.h so that
  the function get_ImageHover uses m_bstrFileName[1].Copy() and change
  get_ImagePush so that it uses m_bstrFileName[2].Copy().

ATL Classes in ClassView

To prevent the ATL classes from displaying in ClassView, modify (or
create) the msvcincl.dat file, as follows:

1. Using a text editor, open or create msvcincl.dat. This file must be
  located in your Windows directory. Add a list of the ATL file names to
  msvcincl.dat. For example:


  (For each name you add to msvcincl.dat, ClassView will exclude the
  classes contained in that file.)

2. Save msvcincl.dat in your Windows directory.

3. Delete your project's .ncb file and restart Developer Studio.

Organization of Documentation

The documentation for ATL 2.0 consists of both .htm and .doc files. To
navigate through the documentation in an online format, use the .htm files
with your Web browser. The file start.htm provides a starting point.

If you want to print the documentation, use the .doc files. The following
table shows each ATL topic and its corresponding .doc file:

  ATL Articles                           .doc File
  ------------                           ---------

  What's New in ATL 2.0                  d_new.doc
  ATL Article Overview                   d_aover.doc
  ATL Class Overview                     d_cover.doc
  Introduction to COM and ATL            d_com.doc
  ATL Tutorial                           d_tutor.doc
  Creating an ATL Project                d_create.doc
  Fundamentals of ATL COM Objects        d_fund.doc
  ATL Window Classes                     d_win.doc
  Connection Points                      d_connec.doc
  Enumerators                            d_enums.doc
  The Proxy Generator                    d_proxyg.doc
  Debugging Tips for ATL Objects         d_debug.doc
  ATL Services                           d_serv.doc
  The ATL Registry Component             d_rgstry.doc

  ATL Class Reference                    .doc File
  -------------------                    ---------

  CBindStatusCallback                    cbindsta.doc
  CComAggObject                          ccagob.doc
  CComApartment                          ccapart.doc
  CComAutoCriticalSection                ccautocs.doc
  CComAutoThreadModule                   ccautotm.doc
  CComBSTR                               ccbstr.doc
  CComCachedTearOffObject                cccachet.doc
  CComClassFactory                       ccclfc.doc
  CComClassFactory2                      ccclfc2.doc
  CComClassFactoryAutoThread             ccclfca.doc
  CComClassFactorySingleton              ccclfcs.doc
  CComCoClass                            cccocls.doc
  CComContainedObject                    cccontob.doc
  CComControl                            cccontrl.doc
  CComCriticalSection                    cccritsc.doc
  CComDispatchDriver                     ccdispd.doc
  CComDynamicUnkArray                    ccdynunk.doc
  CComFakeCriticalSection                ccfakecs.doc
  CComGlobalsThreadModel                 ccglbtm.doc
  CComModule                             ccmod.doc
  CComMultiThreadModel                   ccmtm.doc
  CComMultiThreadModelNoCS               ccmtmncs.doc
  CComObject                             ccob.doc
  CComObjectGlobal                       ccobglb.doc
  CComObjectNoLock                       ccobnlck.doc
  CComObjectRoot                         ccobroot.doc
  CComObjectRootEx                       ccobrtex.doc
  CComObjectStack                        ccobstk.doc
  CComObjectThreadModel                  ccobtm.doc
  CComPolyObject                         ccpoly.doc
  CComPtr                                ccptr.doc
  CComQIPtr                              ccqiptr.doc
  CComSimpleThreadAllocator              ccsmpthr.doc
  CComSingleThreadModel                  ccsngtm.doc
  CComTearOffObject                      cctob.doc
  CComUnkArray                           ccunkar.doc
  CComVariant                            ccvar.doc
  CContainedWindow                       ccwind.doc
  CDialogImpl                            cdialogi.doc
  CDynamicChain                          cdynchn.doc
  CFirePropNotifyEvent                   cfirepro.doc
  CMessageMap                            cmessmap.doc
  CRegKey                                cregky.doc
  CStockPropImpl                         cstockpr.doc
  CWindow                                cwind.doc
  CWindowImpl                            cwindi.doc
  CWndClassInfo                          cwndcls.doc
  IConnectionPointContainerImpl          iconptc.doc
  IConnectionPointImpl                   iconpti.doc
  IDataObjectImpl                        idataob.doc
  IDispatchImpl                          idisp.doc
  IObjectSafetyImpl                      iobsafe.doc
  IObjectWithSiteImpl                    iobwsite.doc
  IOleControlImpl                        iolecont.doc
  IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl            ioleipac.doc
  IOleInPlaceObjectWindowlessImpl        ioleipow.doc
  IOleObjectImpl                         ioleobj.doc
  IPerPropertyBrowsingImpl               iperprbr.doc
  IPersistPropertyBagImpl                iperspb.doc
  IPersistStorageImpl                    iperstg.doc
  IPersistStreamInitImpl                 iperstr.doc
  IPointerInactiveImpl                   ipntinac.doc
  IPropertyNotifySinkCP                  iprntfys.doc
  IPropertyPageImpl                      iprpg.doc
  IPropertyPage2Impl                     iprpg2.doc
  IProvideClassInfo2Impl                 iprvci2.doc
  IQuickActivateImpl                     iqkact.doc
  IRunnableObjectImpl                    irunobj.doc
  ISpecifyPropertyPagesImpl              ispecpp.doc
  ISupportErrorInfoImpl                  isuperi.doc
  IViewObjectExImpl                      iviewobj.doc

  ATL Macros and Global Functions        macros.doc
  -------------------------------        ----------

  Obsolete ATL Topics                    obsolete.doc

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbprogramming kbnokeyword kbATL200 kbGrpDSMFCATL 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbATLsearch kbATL200 kbATL300
Version           : :2.0,3.0
Hardware          : x86
Issue type        : kbinfo
