Q165572: 5250 Applet Issues with SNA 3.0

Article: Q165572
Product(s): Microsoft SNA Server
Version(s): WINDOWS:3.0
Operating System(s): 
Keyword(s): kbnetwork
Last Modified: 13-JUN-2001

The information in this article applies to:

- Microsoft SNA Server, version 3.0 

This article only applies to the SNA Server 5250 Applet shipped with SNA

1. 5250 Applet Cannot Display DBCS Characters Correctly Which Are Input from
  Keyboard (Win32)

2. 5250 Applet Terminates Trnsdt.dll when It Exits (Win16)

3. 5250 Applet Displays Shift-Out Code (All Platforms)

4. 5250 Applet Has Fixed Font Name (All Platforms)

5. 5250 Applet Should Support Greek and Central European Code Pages (All

6. 5250 Applet Does Not Support AltGr or Alt-State Input for Foreign Locales


1. 5250 Applet Cannot Display DBCS Characters Correctly Which Are Input From
  Keyboard (Win32)


  The Win5250.exe program did not display DBCS characters correctly when they
  were typed on a keyboard. This did not occur if using cut and paste.


  The Win5250 applet was processing VK_PROCESSKEY code when it receives
  WM_KEYDOWN message on Win32 platforms.


  The Win5250 applet now ignores VK_PROCESSKEY when it receives WM_KEYDOWN


  An update to SNA Server 3.0 is available to correct this problem.

2. 5250 Applet Terminates Trnsdt.dll When It Exits (Win16)


  When the 5250 Applet exits, it terminates Trsndt.dll even if another module is
  calling TrnsDt. This problem occurs only in Windows 3.x (16-bit) using the
  Windows 3.x SNA Server client. It does not occur when using any of the 32-bit


  Win5250.exe issued FreeLibrary API to the same instance twice when it exited.


  An update to SNA Server 3.0 is available to correct this problem.

3. 5250 Applet Displays Shift-Out Code (All Platforms)


  When DBCS data is input from the keyboard, the 5250 Applet displays the
  shift-out code (0x0e) directly. It should be converted to a space (0x20)


  The Win5250.exe program was displaying the EBCDIC shift-out code incorrectly.


  An update to SNA Server 3.0 is available to correct this problem.

4. 5250 Applet Has a Fixed Font Name (All Platforms)


  The 5250 applet is unable to display Japanese messages on the status bar.


  The 5250 applet was designed to use a fixed font.


  An update to SNA Server 3.0 is available to correct this problem.

5. 5250 Applet should support Greek and Central European Code Pages (All


  The Win5250 applet shipped with SNA 3.0 is unable to support Greek Host code
  pages or Central European code pages.


  The 5250 applet now supports the correct font for different Host Code Page
  Selection. The following is the corresponding font for Greek, Greek Modern,
  Czech, and Polish:

  Windows NT 4.0/Windows 95      Windows NT 3.51/Windows 3.x
  -------------------------      ------------------------------

  Greek Courier New              Courier New Greek
  (GREEK_CHARSET)                (ANSI_CHARSET/Courg.ttf)

  Greek Modern Courier New       Courier New Greek
  (GREEK_CHARSET)                (ANSI_CHARSET/Courg.ttf)

  Czech Courier New              Courier New CE
  (EASTEUROPE_CHARSET)           (ANSI_CHARSET/Cecour.ttf)

  Polish Courier New             Courier New CE
  (EASTEUROPE_CHARSET)           (ANSI_CHARSET/Cecour.ttf)


  An update to SNA Server 3.0 is available to correct this problem.

6. 5250 Applet Does Not Support AltGr Or Alt-State Input For Foreign Locales


  When running the NT Win5250 applet, the Alt-state and AltGr states were not
  being processed correctly. This was first noticed when Setup for Polish

  Some of what you would see are as follows:

  AltGr - s  shows d instead of d dashed. 
  AltGr - f  shows nothing (Notepad behaved the same way)
  AltGr - g  shows nothing
  AltGr - 1& 2 shows ?~ instead of (v~)
  AltGr - 1& 6 shows ~ instead of (ogonek and then ~ )
  AltGr - 7& 0 shows ?` instead of (~`)


  The Win5250 applet was not checking the HostCodePage configuration.


  An update to SNA Server 3.0 is available to correct this problem.


Microsoft has confirmed these to be problems in SNA Server version 3.0. This
problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft SNA Server 3.0 U.S. Service Pack.
For information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in
the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):

  S E R V P A C K

Additional query words:

Keywords          : kbnetwork 
Technology        : kbAudDeveloper kbSNAServSearch kbSNAServ300
Version           : WINDOWS:3.0
Issue type        : kbbug
Solution Type     : kbfix
